Chapter Twenty-Six

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- Oh, God... -

A week after Jack got up in the box, he seems to be fitting in good with some of the other boy, but he still isn't getting along quite well with Newt, Theo and Minho still. He has also tried out on all the jobs, or at least all except Runner, since it's not just something you try out for, it's more something you show yourself worthy for.

But he found the job that he liked and was good at, which was a slicer, as well as Winston. I have even tried to warm up to him. However, I still can't shake off the feeling that something is off about him. It's like he's constantly watching me, studying my every move. Whenever I catch his gaze, he quickly looks away with a small smirk on his face. It's almost as if he's playing a game with me, and I can't help but feel like I'm losing.

I try to ignore it and focus on my duties in the Glade, but his presence always seems to be looming over me. Even when we're alone, he'll find a way to strike up a conversation or ask for my help with something. And every time he does, I Get this uneasy feeling like there's something wrong. One day, as I'm helping in the blood house after lunch, since Winston got sick, Jack suddenly turns to me and says, "You know, I can tell you're different from the others." I stop what I'm doing and look at him, surprised by his sudden statement. 'What do you mean?' I ask, trying to keep my voice steady.

"I mean, you're not like the others. You're smarter, stronger, more... intriguing," he says, his eyes never leaving mine. and I start to get a weird feeling about this, so I just quickly turn around looking down at the chopped-up meat laying on the table in front of me. "I'm just like everyone else here, the only difference being that I'm a girl" I say, trying to brush off his compliments.

"No, you're not. You're special," he says, stepping closer to me. "And I can't help but be drawn to you." "Oh god..." quietly whisper until my breath as I turn back around to face him, and to my big and uncomfortable surprise he is standing right behind me, so when I turn around, I am almost inches away from his face, and I can feel my heart pounding in my chest as I try to process his words. I don't know what to say or how to react. All I know is that something about him just doesn't feel right.

Before I can say anything, Jack leans in and presses his lips against mine. I freeze, not knowing how to respond. But then I remember that I don't owe him anything and I push him away, my heart racing with fear and confusion. "What the hell was that?!" I yell at him, my voice shaking.

"Oh, come on. baby, you know you want it" He then says with a disgusting smirk on his face, as he walks up to me again. "Well, I don't!" I then yell at him, pushing him away from me again, my mind racing with all the reasons why this is wrong. "And even if I did," I continue "This is not the way to go!" I am now screaming.

"What the bloody hell is going on in here?!" I then hear Newt yell as he runs into the blood house along with some of the other boys, "He!" I then point at Jack "Kissed me!" I speak.

"What?!" Newt yells, his eyes widening in shock and anger. He then turns to Jack and lunges at him, grabbing him by the collar and pinning him against the wall. "How dare you touch her!" he growls, his fists clenched. The other boys quickly pull Newt off Jack holding him back. Jack just smirks at me, making me feel sick to my stomach.

Newt finally calms down and turns to me, his expression softening. "Are you okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face. I nod, unable to form words. I just want to get away from here, away from Jack and this horrible situation. Newt takes my hand and leads me out of the blood house, as the other boys grab Jack throwing him I the slammer.

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