Chapter Forty-six

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- Another one bites the dust -

"So, what do you guys wanna do now?" Theo asks as I walk up to him, Minho and Newt with their drinks, and I get an idea "I got something..." I say grinning at the three "Oh, uh..." Newt says looking at me " What is it?" Minho asks raising an eyebrow "dance!" I claim, excitement bubbling within me. The three looks at me like I'm on crack.

"Dance?" Theo repeats, confusion written all over his face. I nod eagerly "eh...I don't know..." Newt trails off, still unsure. "Oh, come on, guys!" I try to convince them, but they still look unconvinced. "I don't think I've ever seen Newt dance," Theo says, smirking at Newt. "Hey, I can dance!" Newt defends himself, "and you have seen me dance" he then adds looking at Theo, but I can tell he's not completely convinced.

"Well, then prove it!" I dare him with a smirk on my face, as I turn up the music on my radio "I would, but you know, with my limp..." Newt trails off, gesturing to his leg. "Fine... Theo?" I turn to him, hoping he'll be more willing. "I don't know, I'm not really in the mood to dance..." he says, looking apologetic. "What about you, Minho?" I turn to him, desperately looking for a dance partner. Minho looks at me with a smirk on his face and I know I've got him.

"Alright, fine. But only if you promise not to laugh at my moves," he says, holding up his hands in surrender. I grin and grab his hand, pulling him up from the ground. "Just please be careful with your ankle!" Newt shouts after me as I walk over to the bonfire with Minho "Yea, yeah, don't over stimulate it. I'll be fine" I shout back brushing it off as a song starts playing. 'Only Girl (In The World)' by Rihanna. ironic.


"You know..." Justin says as he sits down beside the greenie, who's sitting against a log staring at Y/n and Minho dancing around to the music by the fire, and he looks up at Justin "that is never gonna happen" he tells the greenie "I- what are you talking about?" The greenie asks Justin trying to act all confused, but Justin could see the way he was looking at Y/n, his eyes would occasionally follow her as she spun around in Minho's arms.

"You know what his talking about" Jack then says walking up behind them sitting on the other side of the greenie. "You could say that again" Justin says as he watches Minho dip Y/n making her laugh and almost fall over but Minho catches her and pulls her back up. "And yes, it's NEVER gonna happen" Jack adds, and the greenie now looks over at him. "Yeah, believe him. he already tried once, and then got a black eye, by Newt and a night in the slammer, after Minho dragged him there" Justin says, Jack nodding in agreement.

"What? Why?" The greenie asks them confused. "Because Minho is like a brother to Y/n, and she's not just gonna let you close to her, just like that." Jack explains, and the Greenie looks over at Y/n and Minho once more before looking back at Jack and Justin.

"What do you mean?" the Greenie asks them. "Let's just say, that Minho, Newt and Theo have been there for her since day one, and they are pretty protective over her" Justin explains "And Minho, he's the most protective of the three" he then add, the greenie nods his head understanding. "But other than that, she's really sweet, and caring. always walking around with a smile on her face. We even sometimes joke about her being the heart of this place" Justin says, and the Greenie looks over at Y/N with a small smile.

"I can see that" the Greenie says, and Justin looks over at Jack with a smirk. "Another one bites the dust" Justin whispers to Jack, the Greenie then looks back at Jack a little confused. "Don't worry about it, kid. You'll get it someday" Jack says as the Greenie looks back over at Y/n and Minho, who are now talking with Newt and Theo. Jack and Justin then look at each other and smirk. "Another one bites the dust" they both whisper in unison, laughing as Jack hands the greenie some of Gally's drinks as him and Justin takes a sip of their drinks, the Greenie following suit, but spitting it out right away.

"Ugh, what is this?" The Greenie asks in disgust. "It's Gally's secret recipe," Jack says with a laugh as the Greenie wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. "Well, it's disgusting" The Greenie says, and Jack and Justin laughs. "Yeah, Welcome to the Glade, kid" Justin says with a smirk, and the Greenie just shakes his head with a smile.

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