Chapter Thirty-three

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- a night in the maze -

When I get to the top I quickly start running again, trying to put as much distance between myself and that terrifying machine as possible. My heart is beating so fast, I can feel it in my chest, and I can barely catch my breath.

I quickly stop in my tracks as I get to the end of the wall almost falling down, and I quickly turn around to see how far the griever is, and it is right behind me so I quickly turn around once more and make a jump for it catching myself in the vines, the griever following close by, then jumping right at me and I quickly slide down, but end up falling with the vanes as its too much pressure for it to hold, getting me tangled in it along with the griever before I fall out letting out a painful groan when I hit the ground. Hard.

I lay there for what feels like hours, unable to move, my whole-body trembling in fear. I quickly jump to my feet and start running once more, the fear giving me a burst of adrenaline. Just then, I hear a loud clicking sound, and I know that the griever is getting ready to attack. I try to dodge and weave, but it's no use. The griever's sharp legs pierce through my shirt, and I feel a searing pain in my right arm as I let out a painful scream.

"GOD DAMN IT!" I yell out in pain as I put my left hand up to put pressure on it, the hand only covering a little over half the cut, as blood runs down my hand I continue to run, I can feel the blood trickling down my arm. With each step, I can feel the griever getting closer, its mechanical screeches filling the air. I push myself to run faster, my legs burning with exhaustion, but I refuse to give up. I know that if I stop, the griever will catch me, and I will be its next victim.

As I make the next turn, I look behind me to see if the griever is still chasing me, and to my relief, it is nowhere in sight, but before I could get to react anymore, I trip over some stones on the ground and I hit the ground hard, "SHIT!" I then scream out in pain as I land right on my arm that was already injured, the pain almost unbearable.

I quickly get up and start limping putting pressure on my arm once again, my vision blurred from the all the blood I've lost so far. I know that I have to find a way out of this maze, or I will never make it out alive, but I also have to find the greenie still who is the reason I'm in this mess in the first place.

I take a deep breath and try to calm myself down, knowing that panicking will only make things worse. I start to think logically, trying to remember the layout of the maze and which direction I need to go.

When suddenly I hear the sound of someone screaming in the distance. I quickly turn around and start running the best I can with an injured foot towards it, hoping that I would get there in time. I run through the maze, trying to find the source of the scream, but it feels like I'm going in circles. I start to panic, thinking that I might not make it in time, but I push through, determined to save the greenie.

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