Chapter Seventy-five

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- THOMAS?! -

When I get out of the Council Hall following after Thomas I look around seeing the Glade in flames, and I hear Grievers roaring in the distance, other Gladers screaming in pain, as I look down at my hands still shaking. "Where is everybody?" Chuck asks as he looks around as well. "Who's that over there?" he then asks and I look over to see someone walking up to us. "Gally- unh!" Thomas starts as he sees it being Gally but gets cut off as Gally then hits him in the face.

"Whoa, hey. Gally! Knock it off!" I yell at him as Thomas falls to the ground. "Whoa, whoa, come on" Fry yells grabbing Gally Winston helping him hold Gally back. "This is all you, Thomas. Huh? Look around" Gally then starts blaming Thomas. "Back off, Gally. It's not Thomas' fault" Minho then yells at Gally, as he tries to get free from Fry and Winston. "you heard what Alby said. He's one of them" Gally just continues as I look between Thomas and Gally.

"One of who?" Theo asks him as he looks between the two confused. "He's one of them, and they sent him here to destroy everything, and now he has" Gally tells us as he keeps trying to get out of the boys' grip. "Look around, Thomas. Look around. This is your fault" Gally keeps yelling as I look over at Gally. "Hey, back off, Gally" Minho then yells at him again.

"Calm down. what are you talking about?" Newt then ask Gally, as Theo now runs over to them to help hold off Gally. "Gally, Calm down!" I then yell walking over to them to try help, before looking back at Thomas for a second then looking back at Gally but only to quickly look back at Thomas again as I see him grab the sting from Chuck. "Thomas...? what are you doing...?" I then ask him as I slowly walk up to him, the boys auguring with Gally in the background, as he just look at the stinger.

"Maybe he's right" Thomas just says as he slowly moves the stinger down to his leg. "Thomas?" Teresa then asks him softly looking over at him, and I stop in my tracks. "Thomas, don't do this" I then warn him, as he looks up at Gally trying to fight his way past the boys. "I need to remember" he just tells us and I look over at him confused.

"Thomas?" Teresa then tries again, as I am about to run up to him, but he quickly stings himself with the stinger falling to the ground yelling out in pain. "THOMAS! No, don't!" Teresa and I then scream at Thomas getting the attention from the other guys as they run up to us. "What are you-? oh, Thomas" Teresa then says as she kneels down beside him, and I run up on the other side of him, trying to pull out the stinger.

"Chuck, get the other syringe" Teresa tells Chuck as he quickly runs off to go find it. "Thomas?" Newt then asks as he runs up beside me, as we are trying to get in contact with him.

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