Chapter Thirty-one

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- Minho's revenge -

"I'll be right back, guys" I say as I get up from in front of the log by the bonfire a few weeks after the new greenie, whose name is Tyrell came up the box "Just gonna grab a warmer shirt" I add as I walk off towards my hut. when I get to my hut, I walk over to my dresser to grab a hoodie, but when I open the drawer, I am met with the biggest spider I have ever seen.

"AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!!" I scream as I quickly run back out of my hut, slamming the door behind me. My heart is racing, and I can feel the adrenaline pumping through my body. I hate spiders, it's my biggest fear, after grievers of course. "MINHO!" I then scream, my voice laced with anger and fear, "YOU LITTLE SHIT!" I yell and I can hear the others laughing at my outburst from the bonfire. I storm back over to them, still shaking from my encounter with the spider. "What the hell, Minho?!" I say, glaring at him. "What?" He replies, trying to act innocent. I can see the mischievous glint in his eye though. He knows exactly what he did.

"You put a giant spider in my dresser, didn't you?" I accuse, crossing my arms over my chest. "Maybe," he says with a smirk. "Relax, it's just a spider" Gally then speaks up, trying to calm me down. But I can't calm down. I hate spiders, and Minho knows that. He thinks it's funny to mess with me, but this is just too far.

"Not funny, Minho" I say, still shaking slightly, "I- could you just please go get it" I then ask before sitting down in between Newt and Theo. Minho knows he's gone too far this time, and he quickly gets up and goes to my hut to get rid of the spider. I take a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. "AND BRING ME A HOODIE WHILE YOU'RE AT IT" I then yell after him, cursing the others to burst out laughing again.

I can't help but laugh too, the adrenaline starting to wear off. Minho comes back a few minutes later with my hoodie, and I quickly put it on before giving him a playful punch on the arm. "I hate you; you know that?" I say with a smile. "Love you too, princess" he replies with a grin.

"Princess?" I then ask looking at him confused "Well, Newt calls you love, so I figured I needed a nickname for you too" he explains, causing me to roll my eyes. "Whatever," I say, trying to hide my smile. Minho may be annoying at times, but he's also like an older brother to me.

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