Chapter Eighty

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- My name is Doctor Ava Page -

"Hello" I hear a women's voice pulling me out of my thoughts as I look up to see some woman dressed in all white on a big screen. "My name is Doctor Ava Page" the Woman then precent herself and I look over at Minho on the other side of a screen. "I'm Director of Operations of the World Catastrophe Killzone Department" she then tells us. "W.C.K.D..." I mumble the letters only quiet enough for me to hear as I slowly start walking towards the screen again following after Thomas.

"If you're watching this, that means you have successfully completed the Maze Trials" She continues as Minho and Newt walk up on each side of me, Theo standing behind me. "I wish I could be there in person to congratulate you... but circumstances seem to have prevented it" she then tells us, and I notice a few younger people walking around in the back of the video, they are just not wearing any white lap coats like the ones laying around on the ground.

"I'm sure by now, you must all be very confused... angry... frightened." Ava says as I feel a hand reacting out and grab mine. I look down to see Newt intertwining his fingers with mine and I give his hand a small squeeze before looking back up at the screen. "I can only assure you, that everything that's happened to you... everything we've done to you... it was all done for a reason." Ava then says.

"You wont remember, but the Sun has scorched our world" she continues as the screen switches from her to images of burning buildings, "Billions of lives lost to fire... famine...suffering on a global scale." she adds as images of my home burning to the ground floods my mind as I stare blankly at the screen, tears threatening to fall from my eyes, as Ava keeps talking over the scenes on the screen in front of us. "The fallout was unimaginable." she continues talking as the screen switches to bodies laying on the ground burned to the point were they are unrecognizable.

"What came after was worse" Ava then says as the screen changes back to her. "We called it the Flare." She adds and I feel my chest tightening as even more memories floods my mind of my mom getting infected by the virus, and seeing her change right in front of me and my older brother. I most of tighten my grip on Newt hand because suddenly he throws his arm around my shoulders not letting go if my hand pulling me closer to him.

"A deadly virus that attacks the brain" She continues as the screen changes to show the virus spreading through the brain, killing all the cells. "It is violent..." she adds as the shots changes to a man laying on an operating table, tied down his veins turned to a blackish color as he struggles to get free, while a doctor holds down his head. "Unpredictable..." she continues as I see a blackish liquid fall out of his mouth, "Incurable." Ava then adds and I can almost see a hit of sadness in the mans eyes before they go back to the mad, crazy look he had in the beginning.

"Or so we thought" Ave then says as the screen changes back to her, and I look up at the screen. "In time, a new generation emerged that could survive the virus" Ava continues. "Suddenly, there was a reason to hope for a cure" she adds with a hint of hope? in her voice. "But finding it would not be easy." She then adds "The young would have to be tested, even sacrificed..." She then says, the sound of every painful scream I've ever heard roaming my mind over and over again, I even hear my own from time to time from both before and after getting sent into the Maze. "Inside harsh environments, where their brain activity could be studied" she adds, images of the Grievers chasing me down corridor after corridor inside the maze flying through my mind.

"All in an effort to understand what makes them different what makes you different" Ava then says and I look around at Chuck as he's made his way in-between me and Minho now, before looking back at the screen. "You may not realize it... but you're very important" Ava says as she shifts in her chair on the screen. "Unfortunately, your trials have only just begun" she then says and I notice a screen getting hit by something in the background, sparks flying from it, making everyone behind her start running around panicked.

"As you will no doubt soon discover, not everyone agrees with our methods" Ava just sits there unfazed as people are now getting shot behind her, making me fill uneasy. "Progress is slow, people are scared. it may be too late for us... for me... but not for you" she continues as masked men run in behind her shooting everyone down. "The outside world awaits." She then adds as the men keeps shooting, even hitting the glass wall behind her, making the screaming of the other doctors even more noticeable now.

"Remember..." She then says as she pulls out a gun, and I feel Chuck shakingly grab my hand. "Wicked is good" Ava adds before pulling the trigger making me turn my head quickly burying my face in Newts chest, making me let go of Chucks hand, as Newt wraps both his arms around me holding me tight. I then look up to see a body laying on some shattered glass on the ground, before Thomas then walks past us slowly towards the body having the same thoughts as me. Ava.

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