Chapter Seven

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- Radio? -

After breakfast I decide to help fry with the dishes before I have to go try out the slicers, when a thought comes to mind as we are drying off the last couple plates "Hey, Fry?" I ask looking up at him as he hums in response putting the plate, he was drying with the other plates in one of the cabinets "Have you guys ever thought of asking for a radio or something'?" I ask him as I put the plate in the cabinet with the others to "radio?" Fry stops what he's doing and just looks at me like I've made up some new word.

OH! Right, they probably don't know what that is, since they don't remember the world outside of this Glade, I think to myself stopping me from outing myself too much "Y/n?" Fry then calls my name pulling me out of my thoughts "sorry- sorry, yeah?" I apologize shaking my head lightly "what do mean with a radio?" Fry asks again trying to get an answer to his question "I- you don't know what a radio is...?" I ask now scared that I have exposed myself, though I have to tell the boys at some point. Right?

"No?" Fry answers with a question "but how do you know?" he then asks me, and I feel myself start to panic on the inside as I quickly come up with a good enough answer, so he doesn't get too suspicious of me "I don't know? the word just popped up in my head and I asked" I answered him. Nice save. "Oh, well I guess my question answers yours to why we don't have one" Fry then chuckles as he grabs the forks and puts them in a cup kinda thing at the table where we pick up our food when we eat, and I look over at the clock on the wall, to see that it is way past the time I was supposed to meet Winston at the slicers.

"Hey, Fry, I gotta go, talk later?" I yell for him in the back as I run out the door "HUH?! Oh, yeah, good luck!" Fry yells after me and I leave to go find Winston.

As I make it to the hut where Winston slices up the meat, I see him leaning against the opening of it waiting, and I run up to him panting, since I just ran all the way across the Glade. "H-hey... I-... I'm so sorry..." I breath heavily as I put my hands on my knees trying to catch my breath while also explaining to Winston why I was late "I- I was helping Fry... with the... dishes..." I breathe out and I hear Winston snickering at how bad my condition is "Come on" he just laughs as he leads the way into the hut as I start breathing normally again.

As we walk into the hut, I am hit by the smell of blood instantly, making me make a face, Winston just laughing at me again "you'll get used to the smell eventually" he just says as we walk up to a table in the middle of the room, filled with meat that needs to be cut up. "Alright, she-bean" Winston then starts as he turns to me with a knife I hand and I look at him skeptically "it's really not that hard, you just have to cut all of this Ito smaller pieces, and then put it in here" he explains as he turns around picking up a bucket with even more meat in it already "you think you can do that?" he then asks me and I just nod as he hands me the knife, and I slowly make my way to the table and starts cutting up the meat.

"Alright, looks like you got it, so I'll just go talk to Alby really quick about the animals that came up, and you just keep going" Winston then informs me leaving the hut before I even get the chance to answer him, and I just keep cutting up the meat.

How I survived in an all boys gladeWhere stories live. Discover now