Chapter Thirty-two

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- Scared greenie -

"He's running away!"

"Quick, get him!"

"He's headed for the maze!"

"Run faster!"

everyone is yelling as the new greenie who came up after Tyrell, got scared off all the faces looking at him and made a run for it, right for the maze, and not enough with that, it's almost sundown, which means that the doors are about to close.

"Come on!" I yell as I'm running after him but is then quickly pulled away by a pair of strong arms when the greenie enters the maze "Let go, Minho!" I yell wanting to go after the greenie, "I can't do that" Minho says, trying to calm me down. "But he's going to die!" I yell back, trying to get away from him. Suddenly, the doors start to close, and the other guys catch up to us as Minho lets go of me and I just stand there staring at the doors closing.

"Fuck it" I then say making a run for it, as Minho and the others try to stop me, "Y/n! Don't!" Minho yells, but right before the doors close, and I manage to get into the maze just in time. "Oh, my god..." I breathe out as I turn around to see the huge doors closed behind me, before turning back around to see two paths.

"Well, just gotta pick and hope for the best, right?" I tell myself as I start running taking a left turn, hoping that I picked the right one. After running for a while, I come across a dead-end, quickly turning around and running back to the split, taking the other way. After turning around a couple of corners, I come across a few Grievers, "Uh, oh..." I then whisper to myself as I start running the other way turning corner after corner with the grievers hot on my tail.

"Come on, Y/n," I tell myself as I keep running, my feet hurting more and more, and as I make another turn, I get an idea and hide behind some of the ivy growing on the walls, luckily the Grievers couldn't find me.

I wait for a little while until I can't hear the Grievers anymore, "Okay, so that way is a no," I then whisper to myself as I look at the grievers disappearing, and running the other way, the way I just came from, As I continue to run through the maze, my heart racing and my breaths coming out in short gasps, I can't help but think about the greenie who ran into the maze before me. I wonder if he's still alive. I wonder if he's still running, lost in the maze like I am.

As I'm running around lost in my own thought, I hear the so horrifying clicking sound of a griever, making me stop in my tracks, frozen in fear, when I feel something fall on my shirt, and I slowly reach my hand up to find out what it is, then seeing it's griever goo, I look up to see a giant griever hovering right above me, and I start running for my life once more.

"Well, that's just perfect. I was running out of nightmare fuel for a moment there" I sarcastically mutter to myself as I continue to navigate through the ever-changing maze, But I can hear the Griever's mechanical legs closing in on me. Panic sets in, and I try to pick up my pace, but my legs are starting to give out. I can feel the Griever's hot breath on my neck, when I get to a dead-end once more, but this time I can't just turn back around as I have a griever right on my tail, so I look around for somewhere to hide when I see a big peace of debris laying on the ground and I use that to jump up on the wall climbing up the ivy, the griever still following close behind.

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