Chapter Twenty-three

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- The new greenie -

"And... there" I say as I finish cleaning Billy's would after running, then falling with a knife "know next time don't run with a knife, or any other sharp objects" I finish with a chuckle, earning a grin from Billy. "Thanks, Y/n" he says, hopping off the bed and I nod my head, smiling at him, when a loud siren then goes off.

"What the hell..." I quietly whisper to myself "It's the greenie alarm, come on" Clint then says as he runs out the med-hut and I quickly follow him to the box I came up with, just a month ago. When we get there, we see the others already standing there, when the light then turns green Gally and Fry goes to open up the lid of the box the reveal nothing but supply boxes, and I look up at Clint confused.

"Did they forget to send the new greenie up, or?" I ask confused as Andrew then jumps down in the box to see if the greenie is just hiding or something "you see anything?" Billy then asks him as he looks around inside the box "Nope don't se anythi-" but before Andrew can finish his sentence before the greenie jumps at him out of nowhere. "Woah!" Theo then yells putting his arm out in front of me as he pulls me behind him.

"Woah, hey!" Alby then yells and I hear someone jumping down into the box, so I peek my head out from behind Theo to see Alby inside the box trying to pull the greenie off Andrew who's trying not to get killed with the knife that the greenie got a hold of.

"Stop, stop!" Clint then yells as Newt now jumps down to help Alby and they quickly get the knife from the greenie, "Theo, Justin" Alby then says looking up at the two "bring him to the slammers till he's cooled down" he then orders and Theo and Justin start dragging the greenie to the slammers.

I then turn around to see Winston, Zart, and Billy helping Andrew, Newt and Alby up from the box "Hey, you okay?" I ask Andrew as I see blood running from his lip "Come on, let's get that cleaned out" I then tell him grabbing his wrist pulling him with me to the med-hut.

When we get inside, I grab a wet cloth and start cleaning the cut on his lip first making his hiss in pain a bit and I can't help but to laugh a bit at it. "Oh, shut up" Andrew then says giving me a small smile and I just roll my eyes and continue to clean his lip.

After I'm done, we make our way back to the others, "Hi" I smile as I walk up to Newt and Theo who's standing by the slammer keeping an eye on the new greenie, as Andrew walks off to find the others. "Hey, what are you doing here?" Theo asks, and I just shrug my shoulders "Bored?" I say more as a question then an answer, and we just standing there talking waiting for the greenie to calm down.

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