Chapter Eleven

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- jokes and teasing at the dinner table -

As we approached, Theo's voice cut through the chatter. "Hey, look who finally decided to grace us with their presence," he teased, earning a chuckle from the others.

Andrew, never one to miss an opportunity, joined in with his own brand of mischievous comments," I wonder what those two have been up to," he adds mischievously, eyeing us both with a knowing smirk. Newt and I exchanged sheepish glances, realizing we had been engrossed in conversation for longer than we had thought.

"Nothing much, just chatting," Newt replied smoothly, trying to diffuse the teasing. Andrew raised an eyebrow, a grin playing on his lips. "Sure, sure. Well, you missed out on some tasty grub," he teased, gesturing to the plates of food in front of them.

My stomach chose that moment to growl loudly, betraying my hunger. "I think we can still grab some food," I said, glancing at Newt. He nodded in agreement, a smile playing on his lips.

"Of course, you can. Help yourselves," Alby chimed in, giving Andrew a pointed look before turning his attention to us with a welcoming smile.

As I reached out for a plate, I was suddenly reminded of the bandage wrapped around my hand, a reminder of a recent mishap. Newt's caring nature shone through as he noticed my hesitation. "Here, let me help you with that," he offered gently, taking the plate from my unsteady hand and filling it with a selection of delectable treats from the spread.

"Okay but really, what were you guys actually doing for so long?" Billy then asks as we sit down with the others, and I decided to mess a bit with them "Oh, nothing really, just making up" I reply calmly taking a bit of my food as all the other guy, including Newt, either spits out their water or chokes on their food looking at me intensely.

"I'm kidding," I quickly clarify "of course we didn't make out, you guys really believe everything, huh?" I then say with a slight smile "No, but really, nothing happened" I add not wanting them to get the wrong impression "I found a sketch book in a drawer in my hut and started to draw when Newt showed up, and then we just chatted as I continued to draw" I try to explain to the others, though their teasing glances persisted, hinting at their lingering doubts.

"Oh, come on! you think we're gonna believe you after that?" Minho then exclaims. The group erupted into laughter at Minho's exclamation, their teasing glances making me blush furiously. Newt, ever the voice of reason, spoke up with a chuckle. "Alright, alright. She's telling the truth. We were just having a chat." His words seemed to pacify the group, although the mischievous glints in their eyes hinted at their lingering doubts.

As we dove into our meal, the conversation shifted to lighter topics, with jokes and anecdotes flying back and forth.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the Glade, Alby stood up, clapping his hands to get everyone's attention. "Alright, shanks, let's clean up and get ready for the Gathering." The mention of the Gathering sparked a wave of excitement among the group, and soon we were all bustling about, clearing away the plates and utensils in anticipation of the evening's festivity.

The Gathering was a time for us to unwind, to forget the challenges and dangers that loomed outside the walls of the Glade. Music filled the air, courtesy of the musically gifted members of our group, and the flickering bonfire cast a cozy glow over the clearing as we danced and laughed, our worries momentarily forgotten.

As the night wore on, I found myself gravitating towards the outskirts of the gathering, seeking a moment of quiet amidst the revelry. Newt found me there, a soft smile on his lips as he joined me, his presence a comforting presence in the darkness.

"Thanks for having my back back there," I said softly, breaking the silence between us. Newt simply nodded, his gaze warm and understanding. "Anytime, love. You know I've got you." His words wrapped around me like a blanket, soothing the lingering doubts and insecurities that had plagued me earlier.

"Well, I better get to bed" I then speak up "long day tomorrow, gonna try out the other jobs here" I tell him as the night grew deeper, the embers of the bonfire slowly died down, casting dancing shadows in the glade. Newt gave a nod, acknowledging my words. "Exploring new roles, eh? That's the spirit." His eyes gleamed with a mix of pride and amusement. "Just remember, greenie, don't go running into the maze without a clue."

I chuckled at his words, grateful for his playful warning. "I promise to be careful, Newt. Can't have the Glade losing its most charming resident, now, can we?" I teased, a lighthearted smile tugging at my lips.

He rolled his eyes at my jest, but his fondness was evident. "Watch yourself out there. The maze doesn't take kindly to carelessness." With a final squeeze on my shoulder, Newt bid me goodnight as he disappeared into the shadows, blending seamlessly with the night.

Feeling a surge of determination, I turned towards the towering walls that enclosed our sanctuary, the maze lurking beyond. Tomorrow would bring new challenges, new adventures. As I made my way to my sleeping quarters, a sense of excitement swirled within me, mingled with a healthy dose of nerves.

The night enveloped me in its cool embrace, crickets chirping in the distance, a reminder of the world that lay just beyond our safe haven. With a deep breath, I settled into my bed, the soft rustling of leaves lulling me into a dream-filled sleep.

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