Chapter Sixty-one

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- Chickens sent from hell...? -

"Hey, Princess" I hear Minho say, and I look up from my sketchbook to see him standing there in front of me. "Hey, Min" I say giving him a small smile, "I heard what happened" he says, taking a look at the drawing of Ben laying on the ground with the Griever sting, as he sits down beside me against the walls to the maze, since everyone is done with work, and Tyrell offered to feed the animals.

"It's weird, you know" I start as I close my sketchbook to look up at him, "How he just gets stung in brought daylight" I then add, before seeing Newt and Theo walking over to us. "Hey, guys" I smile up at the two as they sit down with us. "Hello, Love" Newt smiles back down at me, before grabbing my hand playing with it.

"What are you guys doing?" Theo then asks, looking over at me. "just talking about what happened" I reply looking down at my sketchbook in my lap. "Hey, Newt?" I then ask looking up at him, "Yes?" Newt replies looking down at me, "Did Alby say anything to you about what happens to Ben?" I ask Newt now intertwining our fingers my cheeks turning slightly red, and I can see Theo out of the corner of my eye looking between us, before signaling for Minho to look as well.

"He told me that we would be banishing Ben when the doors close" Newt replies, before I then see Tyrell come running up to us. "Y/n, you gotta help me with these chickens" Tyrell says out f breath "They are like devils sent from hell..." he then whispers paranoid, making me laugh slightly. "Alright, but they aren't really that bad" I laugh as I get up from the ground, letting go of Newt's hand.

"I'll see you guys later" I then turn around to the boys, before walking away with Tyrell to the chicken coop. "Okay, what do you need my help for?" I then ask as we walk up to the coop to see the chickens just peacefully walking around, not really doing anything bad. "I need to feed them, but they wont let me into the coop" Tyrell points over to the chickens, as if they are guarding the door.

"You're kidding me right?" I ask looking up at him, "They are just chickens, how can you be afraid of them?" I then laugh at him, before walking into the coop to go feed them for him, "I mean, it's not like they are gonna jump on you and try to eat you" I continue as I start pouring the corn into their feeding bowl. Tyrell just stands at the door looking into the coop, watching me as I feed the chickens.

"I don't know they just give me the creeps" Tyrell shudders, making me laugh once more again. "You are such a wimp, you know that?" I say jokingly as I finish feeding the chickens, "Am not!" Tyrell fake pouts, crossing his arms over his chest. "Okay, if you say so" I laugh as I walk back over to him, putting my hands up in surrender.

"Alright, need help with the rest of the animals? or have you already fed them?" I then ask closing the door to the chicken coop behind me. "No, I still have to feed the pigs and cows" Tyrell nods, before leading the way to the pig pen, and I help feeding the last animals.

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