Chapter Fifty-six

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- "that's Y/n, the only girl here" -

"Light him up" Alby yells after giving some of the guys a torch to light up the bonfire, the boys cheering when they throw it, all having fun. "To the Gladers" one of the boys says as they toast with Gally's special drink "To the Glade" everyone else cheers, as I stand on the side, since I'm not much of a drinker myself, especially when it comes to Gally's drink, that shit is disgusting.


"Hell of a first day, Greenie" Newt says urning to the Greenie as they sit against a log a bit away from the others, "Here." Newt then says grabbing a jar of Gally's special drink. "Put some hair on your chest" he then adds handing the Greenie the jar, the Greenie hesitating for a moment before taking it, then taking a sip, but spitting it out immediately after.

"Oh!" the Greenie groans, making laugh, as he then start coughing. "Oh, my God, what is that?" The Greenie then asks, as Newt chuckles taking the jar from him again. "I don't even know" Newt then says "It's Gally's recipe" Newt adds as he turns around to see Gally fighting som kid in a small fight circle, "It's a trade secret" he then tells the Greenie.

"Yeah, well, he's still an asshole" The Greenie then says as Newt turns back around. "He saved your life today" Newt then says looking at the Greenie. "Trust me, the maze is a dangerous place." Newt tells him as he takes a sip of his drink, "We're trapped here, aren't we?" The Greenie then asks "For the moment" Newt replies "But..." he then starts, turning around to look over at the others again, the Greenie doing the same.

" see those guys, there, but the fire?" Newt adds pointing at Minho and the other runners. "Those are the runner" he explains to the Greenie "And that guy in the middle there, that's Minho" Newt adds, Minho putting down his plate as Y/n, Theo and Tyrell walks up to him, Y/n sitting down on the ground in front of Minho, as he grabs his drink from the ground.

"He's the keeper of the Runners" Newt continues as he looks over at the Greenie "Now, every morning when those doors open..." he says to the Greenie "... they run the Maze, mapping it... memorizing it, trying to find a way out." he explains as the Greenie keeps looking over at Minho and the others.

"How long have they been looking?" The Greenie now turns around to face Newt. "Three year" Newt replies as the Greenie turns his head to look at the walls, "And they haven't found anything?" He then asks Newt "It's a lot easier said than done" Newt then says turning around facing the walls again.

"Listen." Newt tells the Greenie as they both sit quietly listening to the walls moving around in the Maze. Hear that?" Newt asks the Greenie looking over at him, "That's the Maze changing" He explains to the Greenie as he just sits there staring at the walls. "Changes every night" Newt then adds, "How is that even possible?" the Greenie asks, "You can ask the people who put us in here if you ever meet the bastards" Newt just tells him, as they then sit there in silence listening to the maze changing.

"Listen, the truth is, the Runners are the only one that really knows what's out there" Newt then speaks up again "They're the strongest and the fastest of us all, and its a good thing too because if they don't make it back before those doors close, then they're stuck out there for the night" he explains to the Greenie. "And only two have ever survived a night in the maze" Newt then adds making the Greenie look over at him in shock.

"Wait, what? Who?" The Greenie asks, clearly intrigued by what Newt is telling him. "You see that girl over there?" Newt then turns around pointing at Y/n sitting in between Minho's legs, as he is sitting on a metal barrel. "The girl that tried to catch me?" The Greenie asks as they look over at her and the other boys laughing and joking around "Yea, that's Y/n, the only girl here"

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