Chapter Twenty-seven

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- Disgusted -

"Hey" Theo says as he walks into my hut seeing me cuddled up to Newt "I got her some tea" he then hands me the tea "Thanks..." I mumble quietly before taking a sip. "How are you feeling?" Theo then asks as he sits on the end of my bed. "Disgusted" I just reply blankly before taking another sip of my tea. "I understand" Theo nods, taking in my words. "Hey," Newt says gently, taking my hand in his. "You don't have to worry about him anymore. I won't let anyone hurt you." His words bring a sense of comfort and safety, and I find myself leaning into him. "Thank you," I whisper, feeling grateful for Newt and Theo's presence.

We just sit there for a while talking as I slowly get better, and we then start joking around. until we have to get to the eating area for dinner. "I'm sure Alby wouldn't mind if we brought you some food though" Theo tries as I look through my drawers for a hoodie since it's gotten pretty cold by now. "Really I'm fine, I just need to get this day over with" I tell him as I pull out a hoodie from my drawer "Isn't that my hoodie?" Newt then asks chatting me off guard "Maybe?" I say more as a question making Theo laugh slightly, and as I put on the hoodie Newt just stares at me.

I then make my way towards the door as the guys are just standing there doing nothing. "Well, are you coming or not?" I ask with a smirk on my face, before walking out of the hut and I can just hear Theo laughing as they walk out of my hut, as I see Newt's cheeks in a light red color, but I decide to just shrug it off, thinking that it's probably just the cold wind.

"SHE-BEAN!" I then hear Minho yell from the other side of the eating area, before he runs up to me and picks me up in a hug before putting me down again. "Are you alright? the guys just told me what happened" He then explains "I was quite grossed out, but I'm fine now, Theo and Newt cheered me up" I tell him as Newt and Theo walks up behind me with their food along with a plate of food for me too. "I can see that" Minho then says with a sassy tone as he looks down at the hoodie I'm wearing "Not like that, Minho, ew" I tell him playfully shoving him, before walking over to the other guys at the table.

"Hey, Y/n" Alby greets me as I sit down beside Andrew, Minho sitting on the other side as his plate is already there "I talked to Jack about what happened, and he's really sorry" Alby then explains "If you're asking me to forgive him, I will tell you it is gonna take me some time" I tell Alby as Theo hands me my plate of food.

"I know, I totally understand, and he is gonna be punished for what he did, so he will be spending the night in the slammer" Alby then explains to me and I just give him a nod, before I start taking a bite of my food. After dinner I spend the rest of the day just hanging out with Newt, Theo and Minho, as we sit in my hut, chatting and making jokes.

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