Chapter Seventy-eight

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- We get out now or we die trying -

"Is it a Griever?" Chuck asks Thomas as we stop standing against a wall. "Yeah." Thomas replies as he looks back as us from peeking around the corner, and I bend down on one knee rubbing my already throbbing ankle. "You okay?" Theo asks quietly for only me to hear, "Yeah, I'll be fine" I tell him before standing back up, as I put my hand on his shoulder for support putting more pressure on my right foot looking back over at Thomas. "You take this, Chuck. stay behind us" Minho then says handing Chuck the mechanical-thingy that they found in a Griever. "It's okay. Just stick with me and Y/n" Teresa then tells him as she ties her hair up before looking back at me for reassurance of me going with them, and I give her a small nod, before walking up between Minho and Newt.

"Once we're through, it well activate and the door will open." Thomas then explains as he looks at around at us all "We stay close, we stick together we get through this. We get out now or we die trying" he adds as Newt grabs my hand giving it a small squeeze. "Ready?" Thomas then asks as Minho draws out his knife, and I give him a quick nod. "all right. Let's go!" Thomas now yells out before Newt lets go of my hand and we all run around the corner running for the door.

as we round the corner the Griever starts running at us, and I run up beside Chuck and Teresa as the guys charges for the Griever. "Come on, Chuck!" I yell as I run closely behind him, Teresa in front of him. "Look out!" One of the guys yells as the Griever goes to grab one of them, getting a hold of one of the guys throwing him over the edge, and I let out a loud gasp putting my hands to my mouth as we stop to not run right into the other guys, before they start pushing at the Griever once again.

The Griever then try to hit Teresa with its leg, but she quickly moves out of the way before hitting its leg and it flys right at Chuck making him drop the mechanical-thingy. "The key!" Chuck yells as he sees it about to fall over the edge. "Chuck!" Teresa and I yell out in unison as I help her to her feet. "Watch the edge!" I yell after him as we run after him. "NO!" I yell out as he try to grab the key, making him hang over the edge. "Oh, no" Chuck then says as we get up to him. "We got you, Chuck!" Teresa yells as we grab onto Chuck trying to pull him up."Shit..." I mumble as I see more Grievers coming up the side. "Pull me up! pull me up! pull me up!" Chuck yells at us . "Oh, really? but I thought you wanted us to push you down to them" I yell at him sarcastically as we get him up on the ground again, and start running for the door once again.

"Thomas! Thomas!" Chuck screams at Thomas the get his attention, the Grievers hot on our tail as I look back terror written all over my face. "Come on! Run!" I yell at them as I give them a push on their backs. "A little help here!" I then scream at the guys as they just stand there looking at us running towards them with the Grievers following close behind. "We got more coming!" Thomas then yells out for the others, "Yeah, no shit Sherlock!" I yell at him as we run past the guys and to the door.

"It works!" Chuck then yells out exited as the door starts to slide upwards. "Teresa, go!" Thomas then yells as he looks back at us, and we quickly run through the doors, as the guys keep yelling at each other to keep pushing, and to stay together. "There's gotta be a way out!" Teresa then yells as we get to a dead end."Come on!" I then yell before we turn around facing the guys, and I spot Tyrell as he charges for the Grievers, "Ty!" I scream as I try run up onto him but Theo quickly turns around stopping me. "No! let me go!" I yell at him before one of the Grievers grabs him and throws him across the place and over the edge, as he screams out of fear. "NO!" I scream as Theo lets go of me to help the guys and I turn around towards the wall again. "SHIT!" I yell out at I punch the wall, and as I do some weird screen lights up counting from eight down to one.

"Thomas!" Teresa then yells out as she turns around running a few steps forwards, making Thomas look back for a second. "There's a code!" She adds as Thomas then looks back around at the Griever "Eight numbers!" she adds. "Hey, Minho!" Thomas then yells at Minho to get his attention "What's the sequence?" Thomas yells at him as he hits one of the Grievers in the face with his spear.

"What?" Minho yells sounding confused. "The sections of the Maze, what's the sequence?" Thomas asks him again. "Seven! One!" Minho starts yelling and Teresa quickly type in the numbers, "Five! Two! Six! Four!" Minho keeps yelling as I look back at the guys and I see a Griever about to jump on the guys, "Heads up!" Newt yells at them all as the Griever drops from above them. "MINHO!" I scream as the Griever falls right on top of him. "Get off of me!" Minho then yells at the creature on top of him, before Jeff then lunges at it, pinning it in the head with his spear and Minho quickly grows out from under it.

"You okay?" I ask him as I've made my way past the guys helping him up on his feet. "Yeah, yeah, I'm fine" Minho tells me before pushing me to the back with him to get away from it, and I look back at the others again as I see one of the Griever about to grab Jeff. "Jeff, get away from there!" I yell out but I'm too late as the Griever that Jeff just pinned bites onto him pulling him away as he screams out in pain. "What's the sequence? Come on!" Chuck then turns around yelling to Minho after he went op to the front again helping the guys push away the grievers. "Umm... Six! Four! Eight! Three! You got it?" Minho yells back as Teresa quickly types in the numbers. "YES!" I scream as the screen turns green and the words 'complete' is written on it.

"The door opened!" Theo then yells out as he looked back to see the green light from the screen. The doors leading up to us start closing falling down on the Grievers, one of them about to lunge at us before Thomas throws his spear at it, and I feel an arm across my stomach pulling m behind whoever it is, and I look up to see Minho standing in front of me, Theo and Newt on each side of him as the last door closes and we are met with complete darkness.

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