Chapter Sixty-six

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- Tickle fight -

When we get to the med-hut I sit down on one of the beds, and Jeff then starts cleaning off the blood, as I hiss in pain when antiseptic get on my cuts. "Sorry" Jeff says, I just nod my head taking a deep breath, as he then starts bandaging up my hands.

"Thanks" I give Jeff a small smile after he is done bandaging up my hands, "No problem" Jeff says smiling back at me as I hop off the bed and make my way to my hut, Newt following close behind me. Once we get to my hut, I flop down on my bed laying on my back, staring up at the ceiling, Newt sitting down beside me. "They're gonna make it" Newt says breaking the silence, I just nod my head not even bothering to look up at him, when I then hear a knock on my door.

"Come in!" i yell out for whoever it is on the other side, as I get up leaning on my elbows to see who it is, "Hey" Theo then says as he pokes his head in. "Hi" I say blankly as I flop down on my back again, "How are you doing?" he then asks as he sits down on my bed on the other side of me. "Would feel a lot better if Minho was here, other than being trapped in the Maze..." I say staring blankly up at the ceiling.

"He'll make it" Theo tells me patting me on my leg, before getting up again. "Well, I actually came here to tell you that dinner is ready" he adds putting out his hands for me to grab, and I just throw my hands up taking his as he and Newt pulling me out of my bed gently trying not to hurt my hands, before making our way to the eating areas, to get something to eat.

After dinner we all stay by the table chatting for a bit when I start getting tired and I get up to go to my hut saying goodnight to the guys as I walk off. As I am walking into my hut I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind and I jump and spin around to see Newt with a smile on his face.

"Hey," he says with a small chuckle, as he pulls me closer to him, "God, Newt, you scared the heck out of me!" I say punching him in the chest playfully, and he just laughs before closing the door behind him, "Sorry, Love, I couldn't help it" he then says as he leans down his face inches away from mine "You just look so cute when you get scared like that" he continues with a grin before closing the gap between us and kissing me gently on the lips.

I smile into the kiss, wrapping my arms around his neck, his hands moving to my waist, pulling me closer to him, before pulling away slightly, then gently pushing me backwards until I fall onto the bed. I giggle as he then climbs on top of me, his hands resting on my waist, and I flinch slightly as it tickles me and he smirks at me.

"Oh, no..." I mutter as try to push him off, but he just laughs as he pins my hands above my head with one hand. "No, no, no! Newt! Please!" I say trying to look serious, but I can't keep a straight face as i start laughing underneath him, as he starts tickling me.

"Please!" I laugh trying to get free from his grip, but he just tightens his grip around my hand, still without hurting them, as he keeps tickling me, until I am out of breath. "Okay, okay, I give up!" I say finally giving in, and he stops tickling me, looking down at me with a grin on his face.

"That's what I thought" He says proudly before leaning down and kissing me again, slowly releasing my hands and I wrap them around his neck, smiling into the kiss, as he slowly runs his hands down my body back to my waist, before pulling away and moving to lay down beside me on his side so he is facing me as he starts playing with my hair.

"I really like you, Y/n" Newt then says, "Oh, really? I just thought you kissed me to get the time passing" I say sarcastically looking up at him, and he just chuckles. "No, I really do" He says sincerely, and I can feel my heart flutter at his words, "Well, I like you too, Lizard" I tease with the nickname, as he just rolls his eyes at me.

"Well, that's good to know" He then says before leaning down and kissing me again, and this time slow and sweet, as he moves his hand to my cheek, before trailing down my body to my waist, where he pulls me closer to him, slowly pulling away as I burry my face in his chest listening to his heart beat as I slowly drift off to sleep.

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