Chapter Twenty-one

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- Truth or dare? -

"Well, I better get to work again" Fry then speaks up after a while "Alrighty, see ya later then" I wave at fry as he gets up from the ground and walks over to the kitchen "Sooooo...?" Winston then asks dragging out the 'o' "what should we do now?" I shrug, "I don't know, maybe we could play a game or something?" "Yeah, that sounds good. What do you guys want to play?" Andrew asks, looking around at everyone. "How about Truth or Dare?" Clint suggests. "Yeah, that sounds fun." Winston agrees. "Okay, I'll go first." I say with a smile. "Clint, truth or dare?" Clint thinks for a moment before saying, "Dare." "I dare you to go and try to find something to juggle and then juggle it for a minute straight." I say with a mischievous grin. Clint raises an eyebrow but then shrugs, "Challenge accepted." He gets up and starts running around the Glade trying to find something to jiggle with.

"Hey!" I then hear Billy from behind me and I turns around to see him standing there alongside with Zart, Justin, Alby and Newt "Hey, guys!" I smile up at them. "What's up?" Andrew then asks, "We were wondering what all the noise was about." Alby says with a chuckle. "What game are you guys playing?" Billy asks, walking closer to us. "We're playing Truth or Dare." Winston answers. "Ooh, can we join?" Zart asks, looking excited. "Of course! The more the merrier." I say with a smile, as they all sit down with us. And finally emerge with three apples. He starts juggling them and surprisingly, he does pretty well. The rest of us cheer and clap as he successfully completes the dare.

"Okay, my turn." Clint says with a grin. "Theo, truth or dare?" Theo hesitates before saying, "Dare." "I dare you to do your best impression of a chicken for the next five minutes." Clint says with a laugh. Theo gives Clint a playful glare before standing up and doing a surprisingly accurate chicken impression. We all burst out laughing and Theo continues to strut around the room, clucking and flapping his arms.

"Oh my god, this is hilarious!" I say in between laughs. "I'm glad I could entertain you all." Theo says with a smirk, still clucking and flapping. "Okay, okay, that's enough." Winston says, trying to catch his breath from laughing so hard.

"Alright, Newt?" Theo then asks smirking at me "truth or dare?" Newt thinks for a moment before saying, "Truth." "Okay, okay, let me think..." Theo then says, tapping his chin. "What turns you on?" Newt's cheeks immediately turn a shade of red and the rest of us let out a collective "ooh". "Come on Newt, don't be shy." I tease, nudging his arm. "Um, I guess...when someone is confident and knows what they want." Newt says, still blushing. "Aww, that's so cute." I say with a smile, making Newt blush even more.

"Alright, Newt, your turn to ask someone" Theo then says, still smirking. Newt then looks around and his eyes land on me. "Y/N, truth or dare?" he asks, a mischievous glint in his eyes. I know he's trying to get back at me for teasing him earlier, but I can't resist a dare. "Dare." I say confidently. " I dare you to kiss someone on the cheek" Newt says.

"You're kidding, right?" I then ask him "That's it?" and the others starts laughing as I can feel my cheeks turning red. "Hey, you said dare. You have to do it." Newt says, trying to hold back his laughter. I roll my eyes playfully and lean over to peck Theo on the cheek. "There, happy?" I say, trying to hide my own laughter. "Very happy." Newt says with a smirk.

"Okay, my turn now" I then say, but before I can say anything more, I hear Fry ringing the bell indicating that dinner is ready "Saved by the bell, huh?" Gally says, laughing. We all get up and head to the eating area, still laughing and teasing each other.

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