Chapter Thirty

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- Not a girl -

"Hey, Zart!" Leo yells from the other end of the garden "Yeah?" Zart yells back and I just look at the two in disbelief, like, are they really gonna do this every time I help out in the gardens when Newt I too busy with all his second in command work. "I finished fertilizing the tomatoes, and used the last off it, what do you want me to do now?" Leo then yells back "Oh, for crying out loud. GO GET SOME MORE THEN!" I yell back getting frustrated by all that yelling back and forth, instead of just going over to one another.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, keep ya pants on!" Leo yells back as I hear him walking off, and I can't help but laugh at that remark. I then make my way over to Zart and I can't help but notice the mischievous glint in his eyes "So, what do you want to do now?" I ask and he just smirks at me. but before he gets to say anything the Greenie alarm goes off indicating that the new Greenie is on the way up. "Let's start with that" Zart then says as he gets up and we start running over to the box the other guys close by.

When we get to the box, we all goes to stand around it waiting for the lights to turn green, "What's going on?" I then hear Alex whisper to me as he goes to stand beside me, "What are we waiting for?" he then adds. "We have to wait for the light to turn green before opening it" I explain to him not taking my eyes off the box.

A few seconds later the lights turn green, and Justin and Billy goes to open the box to reveal a scared looking guy, "Fuck!" I yell then quickly throws my hand to my mouth as I realize my mistake when all the guys just looks up at me giving me the are-you-kidding? look, "Sorry..." I apologize as I remove my hands from my mouth, and Alby jumps down into the box.

"Don't worry about her, she just really wanted it to be a girl this time" Alby then tells the Greenie who just nod in return before Leo then helps Alby get the greenie up from the box. The new Greenie looks around at all the faces staring at him, before his eyes lands on me and the guys around me. I give him a small encouraging smile, and he just nods in return looking back at the other guys.

"What's your name?" I hear Zart ask the greenie, as he walks over to him to introduce himself. "I- I don't remember. Why don't I remember?" the Greenie slowly starts to panic "Hey, hey, hey, it's okay, we have all been through this" I try to explain, and he slowly calms back down.

"Well, Greenie, welcome to the Glade. I'm Y/n. That one over there, the one with the blonde hair, is Leo, and the other one with the curly hair is Alex" I introduce him to the guy "you already met Alby, the one without hair" I then add making the other guy all laugh, and Alby just glaring at me. "And the other two with the dark hair are Justin and Billy" I continue as the two waves over at him before making their way back to work along with all the other guys "So, Y/n, I'm guessing you got it?" Alby then asks, "Oh, yeah, I've gotten quite used to it by now" I tell him, and he then walks off probably to go find Newt again to work on some first and second in command stuff, and I start showing the Greenie around.

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