Chapter Thirty-four

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- surviving the night -

The adrenaline is pumping through my veins as I continue to run through the maze still putting pressure on my cut, but the blood is just running through my fingers and down my left hand, my heart racing and my mind focused on finding the source of the scream. I can feel the pain in my arm and ankle, but I push through, knowing that the greenie's life may be at stake.

As I turn a corner, I see a figure lying on the ground, beside some fallen debris, and I as quickly as I can with my foot run over to the greenie, to see his leg trapped under the debris. "Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm here to help" I try to explain to the greenie as I try to lift the debris off him, but it's too heavy for me to lift on my own.

I quickly look around, trying to come up with a plan, but I know that I don't have much time. "Hey..." The greenie then speaks up and I look over at him "You're bleeding pretty bad..." he points out, concern clear in his voice. "I know, I-" I start but quickly stop as I start to feel lightheaded and I take a deep breath and try to remain calm, knowing that I need to act fast in order to save us both. I quickly rip off the bottom of my shirt and wrap it tightly around my arm yelling out in pain as I do so, to stop the bleeding.

I then start looking around again when I spot a nearby stick and grab it, using it as leverage to lift the debris off the greenie's leg. With a grunt of effort, I manage to lift the debris just enough for the greenie to free his leg.

The greenie looks at me with fear and gratitude in his eyes, and I can see that he recognizes me as the one who chased him in here. "Thank you," he then says before I help him up and we start limping back towards the entrance of the maze. I know that we need to get out of here as soon as possible before the creatures that roam the maze find us.

"Hey, the sun is rising" I then point out weakly both from lag of energy and blood, feeling a wave off excitement that we survived the night, "Then the doors most be open again" I add, and the Greenie looks at me with a small smile.

We push ourselves as fast as our injured bodies can go, determination taking over. The adrenaline kicks in, and I can feel the last bit of energy fueling me. And just as we turn the last corner leading to the maze, I see the doors, wide open, beckoning us to safety.

"Y/N!?" I then hear Newt's voice yell happy to see me alive, and I let out a sigh of relief as we hobble towards the other guys standing by the doors waiting for us "Hi..." Is all I let out before my legs give out under me and I fall to the ground exhausted.

"You scared me half to death, love" Newt says, his voice cracking with emotion. "I'm sorry" I manage to croak out, and Newt just shakes his head. "Don't be sorry, just promise me that you won't do something stupid like that again" Newt says, and I nod.

"Is that blood?" Theo then asks from beside me as he sees the cloth wrapped around my arm "No?" I joke weakly just earning a glare from all of them "That is not a question you're supposed to answer with another question" he answers before getting down on his knee carefully unwrapping the cloth and I hiss in pain, revealing the cut on my arm.

"I'll bring her to the med-hut" Minho then speaks up before I am lifted off the ground bridal style and Minho is carrying me to the med-hut. When I get to the med-hut, Minho gently places me down on one of the beds, and I notice the greenie coming in after with the help of two other Gladers.

How I survived in an all boys gladeWhere stories live. Discover now