Chapter Seventy-four

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- RUN! -

"Hey, Winston, what's going on?" Thomas asks as we all run out of the med-hut hearing boys yelling and screaming. "The doors, they aren't closing" Winston tells us before running off towards the doors, "Wait, what?!" I ask in shock looking around at the others, before following after Thomas with the others towards the doors as well. as we get to the doors I feel a hand in mine and look down to see Newt grabbing my hand pulling me with him past the other guys and up beside Thomas in front of them all, and we all just kinda stand there looking up at the doors, when the sound of wall rumbling fills the Glade, and I let go of Newts hand covering both ears from the loud sound.

"What the..." I start as we look around to see all the other doors start to open. "...hell..." Theo then ends my sentence from beside me, before the rumbling starts again and we all look over at one of the other walls to see that opening up too now, and then the last one. "Okay, Chuck," Thomas then turns around looking down at Chuck. "I want you to go to the Council Hall start barricading the doors." he continues as Chuck looks up at him nodding his head.

"Winston, you go with him" Newt then orders Winston looking back at him, then over at me, before turning back to face Winston. "And take Y/n with you" Newt then adds and I look up at him in shock and disbelief. "What?! No way, nah ah, ain't gonna happen, I'm gonna stay here and help" I tell Newt wanting help out, as he then turns around facing me.

"No, Y/n, you're gonna go with Winston and help Chuck, that's an order" Newt tells me sternly and I look up at him blinking a few times in shock. "...Are you serious right now?" I ask him in disbelief. "Yes, I am. Now go!" Newt then tells me sternly again, before I huff out a breath and nod my head, before looking over at Winston. "C'mon, Y/n," Winston then turns around and starts jogging off with me beside him, before Chuck runs up beside us as well.

"CHUCK! RUN!" I then scream as I hear the horrifying sound of a Griever roaring, and I quickly grab onto Chucks arm pulling him with me and Winston as we all pick up the pace running as fast as we can to the Council Hall, as I look around to see all the guys screaming in terror and running around trying to find a place to hid from the Grievers, some of them being taken by the Grievers. We quickly make it to the Council Hall, starting to barricading the windows and doors.

"Over here. Come on" Chuck then yells as he sees the guys running towards the Council Hall. "Winston" Thomas then says getting Winstons attention. "Get Alby inside. Chuck, get in" ha tells them as the last ones comes into the Council Hall, "Lock down the doors" Thomas then yells as I run up to help him closing off the doors, before backing up standing between Newt and Theo, as I hear a Griever right above us, grabbing Newts hand as it starts hitting the roof, before everything then goes quiet.

"Careful" Teresa then whispers and I shoot her a look before the Griever start screeching making me jump grabbing onto Newts hand tighter. "Stay back, guys" Newt then says as the Griever continues to walk around on the roof, before lunging one of its arms down through the roof. "OH, SHIT!" I yell as we all duck, before the Griever then grabs one of the poles holding the roof up, making it fall down on us.

"Is everyone all right?" Newt asks as Tho helps me out from under the roof, "Yeah, I'm okay" Winston speaks up, before one of he guys start screaming for help. "Hey, grab him" Thomas yells as he and Newt quickly tries to help him, but the Griever pulls him out before them. "Watch out" Minho then says as they fall back, Theo then pushes me behind him.

"Hey, get away from there" Thomas then yells as he pulls one of the guys back, before another Griever arm pokes through one of the walls grabbing going to grab Chuck "NO!" I scream after him as I see the arm going right at Chuck. "Chuck!" Minho then yells too. "Get him, get him" Thomas then screams running up to him grabbing onto Chucks hand, "Grab him!" another one yells the Griever trying to pull Chuck away. "Pull him back!" Teresa then yells as she runs up to help pull Chuck back along with Minho.

"Oh! Yeah, like he's going to let go!" I yell at her earning a quick glare from some of the other guys. "Sorry! I get sarcastic in situations like these!" I then yell again as I look back at Thomas, seeing Minho and Teresa helping pull Chuck back.

"Chuck, don't let go" Thomas yells at him, "No shit" Chuck just yells back as they keep pulling. "Don't let him go" Newt then yells at them as I see the Griever pulling out its stinger. "NO! CHUCK!" I scream pushing past the others running up to help pull him back, before I then see Alby run up hitting the Griever the stinger falling off as he starts hitting its leg to get it to let go of Chuck, then hitting it one last time after it those so, then screaming after it as it walks away and I turn to look over at Chuck. "Chuck?! are you okay?" I then ask him concerned as I kneel down beside him, Thomas asking him as well.

"Yeah, I'm fine" Chuck just says as he continues to cough, before grabbing the stinger then looking up at Alby. "Thanks Alby" he then says before I then hear the sound of a Griever chittering, and I quickly look up at Alby. "Alby! Watch out!" Thomas then yells before another Griever arm flies in grabbing onto Alby. "ALBY!" I scream as Thomas quickly gets on his feet grabbing onto Alby trying to pul him down. "Alby!" Newt then yells as the Griever pulls Alby out of Thomas's grip. Alby screams out in agony as the Griever then pulls him out of the Council Hall and into the Maze, as I then cover my mouth in shock and terror,  my hands now shaking as the sound of Alby's screams still ringing in my ears.

"No!" Chuck and I then yell in unison. "Thomas? No, don't go out there!" Teresa then yells as Thomas runs for the doors. "Thomas, no!" Minho yells after him too, "Thomas, wait! Thomas, wait!" he then adds as we all run after him out of the Council Hall.

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