Chapter Six

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- Not a morning person -

Knock knock...

I wake up to a soft knocking on my door, and I groan as I just move so my back is facing the wall "Greenbean?" I hear Theo ask softly from behind the door "you awake?" he then asks, I groan loudly again. "No..." I mumble into my pillow, as I hear the door creak open "you can't be asleep and still answer me" Theo just says as he enters my hut, walking over to my bed, shaking me lightly "come on... you gotta get up if you don't wanna miss out on Frypans egg and bacon" he says and I slowly pull the covers from my face to see Theo sitting on the end of my bed a big grin on his face "You are really not a morning person, are ya?" he stats as he gets up from my bed "I'll be waiting for you outside so you can get dressed" he then gets up and leaves for me to get ready.

I slowly but surely get out of bed as I start dragging my feet across the floor to a box with some cloths and stuff for me that got sent up in the box with me, and I pull out a light grey tank top, a round neckline cut out long sleeve top in a bit darker shade of gray, a pair of tan wide-leg cargo pants, and a pair off tan combat boots.

"Ya ready?" I ask Theo as I open the door to walk out to him and he just looks me up and down "where did you get that cloths from, it looks amazing" Theo compliments as his mouth is a bit open in amazement "I found it in one of the boxes that got sent up with me" I tell tiredly still not entirely awake yet as we make our way to the kitchen "no fair" he just says beside me "What do you mean?" I ask him confused as I rub my eyes "I mean that if we want new boots or new cloths we have to throw a letter down the box to the creators, and when we then get it with the new greenie, it's mostly some old, and probably used cloths" Theo explains to me, as we walk Ito the kitchen and grab our food before sitting by the others, Minho obviously not there since he's in the Maze trying to find some way out of here, and I sit in between Theo and Andrew.

"Good morning, she-bean" George teases as they all know how I am not a morning person "No." I just simply say as I dig into my fruit salad "I believe the proper response is 'Good morning'" Winston teases as the boys chuckles beside him "No." I just respond tiredly yawning earning another snicker from the boys "Yes, but-" Winston tries but I cut him off "No." I mumble as I eat some of my fruits, and the boys just gives up on me as they continue the conversation they had earlier.

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