Chapter Sixty-five

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- Alby...? -

"Hey Lizard" I give him a small smile as I walk up in between Newt and Theo in front of the doors as all the guys are standing there waiting for Minho and Alby to get back from the Maze, "Hi, to you too" Theo then says fake offended, "Hi, Theo" I say with a small laugh, as Newt grabs my hand intertwining our fingers.

"Come on, guys, can't we send someone after them?" Thomas then asks from the other side of Newt and I look over at him, before glancing up at Newt, as he rubs his chin with his free hand, "Its against the rules" Gally tells Thomas, and I look over at him, "Either they make it back or they don't" Gally then adds resting his hands on his knees, and I feel a lump forming in my throat at the thought of losing Minho and Alby to the Maze.

"Can't risk losing anyone else" Newt then tells Thomas, drawing small circles on my hand with his thumb, before wind starts blowing into the Glade, and I take my free hand up in front of my eyes to shield them from the sand getting blown at us.

"Oh, no" Chuck then says as the doors start closing slowly. "There" Thomas speaks up pointing towards two figures inside the Maze, "Wait, no, somethings wrong" Newt then points out, letting go of my hand as we see Minho carrying Alby on his back. "Alby...?" I say in a small voice.

"Come on, Minho, you can do it!" Chuck then yells at Minho, as we see him struggling "Come on, Minho!" I scream as everyone else start screaming for Minho. "Come on! You can make it!" Chuck screams as Minho is now dragging Alby by his legs. "Minho, you gotta leave him!" Gally then yells, and I look over at him with a glare, "They're not gonna make it" Newt then says and I look back at Minho still inside the Maze, the doors closing faster, as I see Minho mouthing the words 'sorry' and I know that they are not gonna make it out in time.

"You gotta leave him!" Gally screams again, and I grip onto Newts hand again, hearing Minho yelling the lump in my throat growing baggers the doors is about to close, everyone screaming for Minho to keep going. "THOMAS, NO!" I then scream as I see him lunging for the doors, and Newt lets go of my hand to try grabbing onto Thomas's arm to stop him missing it by an inch as Thomas squeezes through the doors, making it past just in time before the doors close.

"No!" i scream the second the doors close, feeling the tears form in my eyes, and I run up to the stone doors banging my fist on it as hard as I can. "Minho!" I then yell blood dripping from my now numb fists. "Minho! Please!" I scream again, as I feel a pair af arms wrapping around my waist gently pulling me away from the doors, and I look down at my fists now covered with blood.

Newt then grabs one of my hands gently moving it up to see my blood filled hands, and I turn around looking up at him, tears threatening to fall from my eyes. "Jeff!" Newt then yells for the Medjack, Jeff quickly making his way past the other guys, "Take her to the Med-hut, she needs to get those cleaned up and bandage on 'em" Jeff says, Newt then wraps an arm around my waist as we walk past the other guys towards the med-hut, everyone else walking off doing their own things.

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