Chapter Ten

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- The Heart? -

"What'd you got there, Love?" Newt then speaks up as he sees me playing with a silver bracelet that I found in one of the smaller boxes that came up with me, "found it in a small box that came up with me" I explain to him as he gently grabs my arm taking a closer look at the bracelet, reading what's on it.


A17 – The Heart

"The Heart?" Newt then questions looking back up at me, "Don't look at me, I don't know what it means either" I tell him just as confused as him to why it's says, 'The Heart' "Maybe it's because I'm the only girl here?" I then question teasingly, giving him a smirk as he lightly shoves my shoulder "Yeah right" Newt answers sarcastically as I giggle before we hear a soft knock on the door "come in!" I call out to whoever it is, and the door slowly opens revealing Minho standing in the door.

Oh yeah, he probably doesn't know what happened since he was in the maze. "Y/n..?" Minho softly asks slowly walking towards the door.

"Hey, Minho" I smile at him "What happened to you?" he then questions with a concerned expression on his face as he looks at me and Newt sitting on my bed, "She had a little accident with a knife at the slicers hut" Newt explains to him gesturing towards my wrapped hand, "Oh damn" Minho winces sympathetically, "You okay though?" he asks me as he takes a step closer, "Yeah, I'll survive" I chuckle lightly, trying to reassure him.

Minho then glances at Newt, a silent question in his eyes, "I'll be fine keeping an eye on her, don't worry" Newt reassures Minho, sensing his unspoken concern. Minho nods, looking slightly relieved, "Alright, just take care, Y/n" he says before leaving the hut, closing the door behind him.

"So..." Newt starts, raising his eyebrow at me, "So... What?" I ask, pretending to be innocent. Newt just rolls his eyes in response, "Shouldn't you be getting some rest, Love? Your hand's hurt" he says, his voice tinged with concern. "I'm fine, Newt. And anyway, I can't sleep," I answer truthfully, not really wanting to sleep and get those awful nightmares of the outside world. 

Newt hesitates before nodding, "Alright, but tell me if you need anything, yeah?" he says, his tone serious. "I will, Newt" I promise him, giving him a small smile. He nods once more, before standing up from the bed, "I'll be at the council meeting, alright?" he says, referring to the meeting that the leaders of the Glade has every night. "Okay, I'll be here" I reply, giving him another smile before he leaves the hut, leaving me alone in the room. I sigh, looking around the room before my eyes land on the silver bracelet again. I wonder what it means, the Kind one?

I decide to get up and take a look around the hut, wanting to explore some of the things that I got with me up the box. I walk around the room, opening drawers and boxes, finding all sorts of trinkets and items. I eventually come across a desk, and I open one of the drawers, finding a small journal. I take it out, flipping through the blank pages as I sit down on the bed. I go back to the front page, and pick up a pen, starting to sketch. 

As I sat on my bed, immersed in my sketchbook, I lost myself in the details of the walls that surrounded us. The scratch of my pencil against the paper was the only sound in the room, the lines and shadows consuming my attention completely. I didn't notice the passing time, nor did I hear the footsteps outside my door, until it swung open, and Newt appeared in the doorway.

"Hey, shebean," he greeted me with a warm smile, walking over to see what I was working on. I hesitated for a moment, feeling a rush of self-consciousness, before shyly showing him the page. His eyes widened in amazement as he took in the rough sketch of our surroundings.

"You're really talented, Y/n," Newt remarked, his voice tinged with admiration. A blush crept up my cheeks at his praise, and I mumbled a quiet "Thanks, Newt," before diverting my gaze back to the drawing.

Newt takes a seat beside me, and we settled into a comfortable silence, broken only by his occasional questions about my artwork. It felt natural, easy, talking to him, as if we had known each other for much longer than we actually had. After some time, Newt stood up, a playful glint in his eyes.

"Come on, let's get you something to eat. You haven't had anything since this morning," he said, offering me a hand. I accepted it gratefully, allowing him to guide me out of the hut and towards the gathering area where the rest of the Gladers were already sitting down for dinner.

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