Chapter Seventy

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- a Runner? -

"Yeah, we found this." Thomas says as we are standing in the Council Hall, after he, and Minho, Fry, Zart and Winston came back from the Maze, and I look down at the weird thing in my hands that they brought back. "it was inside a Griever" he then adds and I look up at him with a disgusted look on my face. "Ugh, ew, that's disgusting" I mutter as I hand it over to Newt wiping my hands off in my pants.

"These are the same letters we get on our supplies" Newt says after taking it from my hands looking it over, and I look at the thing seeing some letters spelling out 'WCKD' and some numbers under it. "Yeah. Whoever put us here obviously made the Grievers" Thomas explains as I look up from the mechanical-thingy, and up at him with a confused look on m face.

"And this is the first real clue, the first anything you found in over three years, right, Minho?" Thomas then adds looking over at Minho who's standing beside him. "Right" Minho just says nodding his head slightly, and I look back down at the mechanical-thingy. "Newt, we gotta go back out there" Thomas then tells Newt as he looks up from the mechanical-thingy, "Who knows where this might lead us?" he adds looking between Newt and Gally, as Gally looks over at Newt raising an eyebrow"You see what he's trying to do, right?" Gally just says as Newt looks over at him.

"Yeah, he's trying to get us out of here" I tell Gally as he just glares at me before continuing, "First he breaks our rules, and then he tries to convince us to abandon them totally" Gally continues ignoring what I just said. "Well, at least he's trying to find a way out of this shithole" I mutter high enough for the others to hear, "The rules are the only thing that have ever held us together" Gally tells me looking over at me with a glare, "Why now are we questioning that?" he then adds looking at Newt.

"If Alby was here, you know he'd agree with me" Gally then says making my blood boil, "Okay, that's it, Gally!" I tell him, about to lunge at him for mentioning Alby knowing what he means to Newt, ready to throw hands at him, when Newt puts out his arm preventing me from moving forward. I look up at him frowning as he shakes his head slightly and I take a step back again.

"I'm just saying, this shank needs to be punished" Gally then add pointing over at Thomas, as I am glaring daggers at him, Newt looking over at Thomas, then looking down at the ground thinking for a second, before handing Minho the mechanical-thingy. "You're right." Newt starts as he walks back beside me again, "Thomas broke the rules" he continues "One night in the pit and no food" Newt then adds.

"Oh, come on, Newt." Gally then starts "One night in the pit?" he then repeats annoyed. "You think that's gonna stop him from going into the Maze?" he asks Newt pointing over at Thomas, "No." Newt just says "And we can't just have non-Runners running into the Maze whenever they feel like it" he then adds as Gally just look between Thomas and Newt. "So let's make this official." Newt then says and I look up at him confused "Starting from tomorrow, you're a Runner" he adds and I look over at Thomas.

"Wow" Gally just says before walking towards the doors. "Gally" Fry tries, putting his hand out for him, "Nah, Fry" Gally says pushing his arm away walking out the door, Fry following after, then Winston and Zart too. "Thanks, Newt" Thomas then says and I look over at him before he then leaves too, as Newt then turns towards me.

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