Chapter Five

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- The tour -

"Hey Y/n?" I turn as I hear a voice calling my name to see Alby walking up to me and Newt, since I was helping him and Zart in the gardens "what's up?" I ask as I get up from the ground facing Alby fully "Ya ready for your tour?" Ably then asks as he gets up to us "yeah, I was wondering when you were gonna ask" I tell him as I dust the dirt off the knees on my black cargo pants and I then turn around to tell Newt that I was going with Alby "Hey Newt!" I yell as he's a bit away and I can see his head popping up from behind some bushes "Yeah!?" he yells back "I'm gonna go with Alby, I'll be back again later to finish up here!" I yell at him, and he just gives me a thump up before going back to work, and I then turn to go with Alby.

"So, you've seen the sleeping area, the kitchen, the gardens, and those big doors over there are not to miss" Alby starts as we walk around the glade "but," he then adds on as he looks down at me "can you tell me anything about yourself?" he continues "Who you are? Where you came from? Anything at all." The question flowing my mid as another one pops up.

Can I trust them? and if I can, can I then trust them enough to tell them that I remember? well not everything, like who put me here, but, like, how the world outside is like? I start thinking to myself not realizing that I never gave Alby an answer as he starts calling my name, pulling me out of my thoughts "Y/n?" Alby asks and I look up at him "Huh? oh, yeah, uhm... no I- I down remember anything other than waking up in that box" I lie, hopefully he doesn't notice "Alright, it's okay though, it's the only thing they let us keep anyways" he just answers smiling down at me before looking back up as we keep walking.

"We eat here. we sleep here" Alby then start explaining "We grow our own food, we build our own shelter" he then adds pointing over to a guy building a small hut, as he says the last part and I look over to see the guy waving over at us, and I decide to wave back smiling at him, before he goes back to building the hut, "whatever we need, the Box provides." Alby then starts again "The rest is up to us" he continues "The Box that I came up in, right?" I ask him even though I already know that, "That's right, Shebean." Alby smiles at me "It's sent up once a month with fresh supplies and a new Greenie" he then explains to me as we stop in front of the box, and I look over at it seeing the lid is closed again "This month, being you, Shebean" he adds, and I look up at him to see him looking down at me before we walk off again.

"I hope you're not afraid of heights" Alby then says as we near a quite tall lookout tower, and I look up before looking over at him starting to climb up a ladder. Guess I don't have a choice then. "Just a bit..." I tell him hesitantly but climb up anyways following him to the top. "Don't worry, you won't fall" Alby chuckles "I sure hope so" I tell him as we make it to the top where we can see over the whole glade.

"It's beautiful from up here..." I say under my breath, Alby hearing as he answers "Yeah it is something" he smiles looking back at me as he leans on the railing, looking over the glade, and I do the same. "We've worked hard for it" Alby then adds as he looks over to see how mesmerized at the beautiful green land, a smile creeping its way on my lips as I see a small flower field over by the forest "If you respect this place..." Alby then continues as I look over at him "you and I will get along just fine" I smile at him, him smiling back before his smile turns into a serious face as he speaks up again "We only have three rules" he starts "first, do your part. No time for any freeloaders" he adds "Second, never harm another Glader. None of this works if we don't trust each other" he continues as he now looks out over the glade, and a realization hits me, that there's always a reason for the type of rules that people have, and that then gets me thinking, who of these 12 guys would have hurt another glader?

"Most importantly..." Alby then speaks up pulling me out of my thoughts "Never go beyond those walls" he turns to me with an even more serious look and I just nod showing that I understand "if- if you don't mid me asking though..." I start debating if I should keep going "what is behind those walls?" I ask hesitantly, Alby then looks out over the walls "We call them grievers" he just tells me and I look at them confused, and like he was reading my mind he adds on "we don't exactly know how they look, since no one has ever seen one, and I'm hoping it never will happen" he explains before clapping his hands on the railing and leaning back a little his hands still on the railing holding him up "Well, we better get going" he then changes the subject before turning around walking towards the ladder leading down "don't want be late for lunch" he adds and I smile as I follow him down

the rest of the day goes by fast since no big events were happening, other than the boys teasing each other occasionally, about different, and may I say stupid, things.

"OH! and Y/n...?" a boy's voice says as I jump getting pulled out of my thoughts as I had zoned out while the boys were talking about work and such, and I see all the boys looking at me confusion written all over their faces "Yeah...?" I ask softly looking towards where the voice had come from to see Gally in front of me.

Wow, must of have been zoned out quite a long time since he wasn't there when they first started talking... I think to myself as Gally keeps going "I finished your hut so you will have a bit more privacy... since you're... uhm... you know..." Gally tells me and I look at him with a confused look on my face before the realization hits me, since I'm the only girl here, "Oh, thanks Gally" I smile happily at him before looking down at my plate of food, as I realize that I haven't eaten that much again since I've been zoned out for the most part of the meal, and I start eating my food as the boys start chatting again this time I join in on some of the teasing, as good as I can since I don't know them that much and have only been here one and a half day so far.

How I survived in an all boys gladeWhere stories live. Discover now