getting fruity, juices flowing *chef's kiss*

4 1 0

It's mOdErN TimEs.

What does that mean?

It means we're taking out of traditions only what nourishes us

and discard the rest. Cause that rest is trash

forced down our throat

except, contrary to the woke culture, it's for no good

no use.

And even

no fun.

What's the point in that? It's braindead

pulp for dead brains. Pass.

processed food. plastic. toxins. u eat it, u get ill.



not what humen's meant to do.

Go ahead. Eat do woli.

Aż ci w genach odpierdoli.

It's no joke. Just, no filter.

Rhymes are fake so I'll pass on them too. All those famous poets talked a lot without saying much

just to fill their bricks with oh so admirable rhymes.

I na co to komu.


(damn, jednak rymy mnie dopadły. przeklęta kLoNTwA!)

Aren't we done with all that? Just admit it.

Don't try to be pretty.

Burp all u want, don't edit it out. It's nejczer!

Why would u want to edit out nejczer!

Gene editing.

Play a god.

Do no good.

Think ur smarter.

Think ur brain

and all that fucking machinery

can achieve more

than millennia of evolution.

So damn prideful, aren't we?

Scientists <--- beware that shit.




Chyba powinienem zacząć pisywać morning pages, bo serio za dużo rzeczy mam ostatnio w mózgu.


heart beatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz