this is not a poem, this is real life

3 1 2

it takes away a lot of peace, fulfilment, and joy


from us (me and u and all other humanoid life forms on this planet and around it (astronauts))

that we're not all taught in schools, without the need to pursue specific degrees

how to

deal with emotions

make peace with discomfort

be assertive

establish healthy boundaries

address our insecurities

develop real self confidence

form functional relationships

spot a manipulator

respect our needs

accept failures

appreciate our efforts

work smart, not hard

keep clutter away

deal with nightmares

forgive ourselves

cope with depression

say no

problem solve

make good decisions

sleep well

compare ourselves usefully

find ourselves

collaborate and do group projects

be patient

embrace vulnerability

manage time

cope with rejection

take care of ourselves

give constructive feedback

deal with negative feedback and haters

change our mindset

feel better with our body

spot real friends

organize our space

respond to unfair treatment

ask for what we need

minimize the risk of getting hacked

care only abt what actually matters

learn effectively

actually love ourselves

and what that means

find happiness

calm a panic attack


and why it's actually a life-changing thing

respond to unhealthy urges

solve conflicts

figure out what we want

not care so much how we look

discern morally good from morally bad [without religious or spiritual propaganda]

have fun

fix basic household shit

make money

motivate ourselves

heart beatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz