pleasant things
are like fireworks:
they last a few
and puff out of existence
leaving sweet memories and nostalgia
is like skunk's stink:
u didn't see it coming
and then it's too late. u've stepped into the trap (or sometimes, the trap stepped into u. u know, skunks can run).
and then it's all over u. overpowering ur senses
making u hate the ability to smell
bc now all u can smell is EWWWWWW T_T
and u have to sweat and cry to escape from it
and then clean up the mess
for months on end
and what's left is trauma that haunts u
that u then have to process and cry it all out
remembering how nasty and wretched it was.
how u hate skunks and want them FUCKING GONE
even tho they cute.
and if ur lucky, u leave with merely a scar, not a bleeding, painful wound.
covered with scars by the time u arrive at the final stop.
let's not think abt the shit
--HA, JOKE'S ON U! SHIT THINKS ITSELF! *złowieszczy polski śmiech*
yup, that's brain: it doesn't really have the tendency to ruminate on the good parts - instead
it gets stuck on the bad ones. and makes up all sorts of catastrophes, so very creative and passionate, to scare u away from continuing on with ur life.
skunk invasion incoming
it must be related to the current president *conspiracy theories intensify*
i got cursed by the skunk spirit
what if i run into more skunks?
what if the stink is not actually gone? have i gone delusional?
i think sth is wrong with my olfaction...
i need to move out of here. escape skunks. maybe on Mars. yes!
scared to open the door now
scared to open A WINDOW. can skunks jump? can they climb?
but never does our brain ruminate on but how cute it looked tho. just standing there, black and white, so floofy. like a penguin covered in fur. ...with that stupid tail of doom, before it sprayed on me. WHY THE FUCK ARE THOSE NASTY SHITS CUTE.
let's laugh at this comedy we experience. no medicine like laughter :DDDDD
[i still want to punch mocarnie]
ooo, kolor "publish" zmienili. ładny zielony.
heart beats
Poesía~ poezje itp ~ w gruncie rzeczy, jesteśmy worami mięsa, kości, i flaków. ale w tym worze mieści się mózg, a mózg to wciąż niezbadana złożoność, która z prostego wora potrafi uczynić święty graal. the heart beats/heartbeats/heartbeat: serce bije, ser...