Plz, i wish my brain could [still] have so much fun in life baseline
as it fucking does on alco. Fuck my brain.
...Oh yeah, make it feel soi good...
Back in the day,
down there on the other hemisphere,
lives a dream an a nightmare
i don't wanna wake up. Ever.
Hear it?!
Better hear it, trash.
What's in my skull. Deficiences. I need vitamins and minerals
colorful fireworks to explode behind my eyes every night--
(I'm getting turned on. This is taking a steamy route... 😏)
Don't stop.
Don't ever stop.
What's the POINT.
What's the point.
Prove me wrong.
U can't. Bcuz I'm not. U cunt.
C'mere. It's good. Jeszcze.
English is a leaky pot.
Play my game.
Wouldn't that be fun? Just you and my game and rules set by some anonymous living matter. Wouldn't that feel soooo...
Don't stop.
It's all inside. No revelations before my eyes. It's all INside
my gut. It's all there, waiting for its destination
- or so they call it. Meanwhile, there's no such thing as a destination. It's all
A process.
No professionalities here though. No. You'd think it's set up with some skill
but skill is merely a product of adaptation. There was no plan.
Just a spin.
Everything is round.
We're all disco balls.
How 'bout THAT? Does THAT sound like a satisfactory explanation?
You picky shit.
Who you're talking to?
No defined one. No one. All one. You. Myself. Them.
Does it matter? Words don't need an receptive eardrum - they already exist anyway:
in the brain.
The brain is the gamemaster here. He plays sounds with no waves.
There's no waves. It's an illusion because your brain misinterprets movement that came before.
Light is a perturbation in the space. Does THAT answer your question? We're all, ultimately, a perturbation.
Not really though, but that's what they like to tell you. Thinking they've discovered some secret. Meanwhile,
they've discovered the next level of stupidity. Ah, poor souls. Bless them or curse them - that's a question.
Existence is a constant question.
There's no answers...
...or so we like to believe. Evolution didn't shape us to bear truth.
What's the point in information if there is no point?
Answers lie in questions
More often than you think.
Don't think. Just look. If you'll look, maybe
you'll see.
Whatever it is that u wanna see coz, in fact, our apparatuses fail to give us virgin image. You cannot POSSIBLY measure and leave the subject intact!
It doesn't matter though. Not really. As long as that little crucial fact doesn't escape your notice.
Nudziłem się, czekając.
Lubię chaos. Bo mózg robi z niego sens, ćwiczy swoją kreatywność, poznawcze umiejętności...
plus, fajnie jest.
heart beats
Poetry~ poezje itp ~ w gruncie rzeczy, jesteśmy worami mięsa, kości, i flaków. ale w tym worze mieści się mózg, a mózg to wciąż niezbadana złożoność, która z prostego wora potrafi uczynić święty graal. the heart beats/heartbeats/heartbeat: serce bije, ser...