imagining decades later:
stiffness will go away
males will be free from constraints
privileged gods no one dares to abuse, like ignorant progressives make them out to be
(maybe. if they learn not to allow disrespect anymore)
and masculine beauty will shine in all its glory
ALL of it.
- without dumbs pathologically calling such men the opposite sex. double standards -
not just this stiff warrior shit (bit too strong a word, will admit) we still have going on.
aren't you tired?
tired of the extremes.
of huge muscles, enraged poses, and scowls
isn't it easier to chill out, let go, and smile?
isn't it easier to open your arms and breathe
instead of holding it in tight
showing off those abs
admirable work, man, and good physique is useful but
useful is not ALL a man is.
strong is not ALL a man is.
angry is not ALL a man is.
dominant is not ALL a man is.
aggressive is not ALL a man is.
a man is ALSO weak.
wow so difficult to comprehend
a man is a human. it's just that simple
(but also diverse.
DIVERSE. Get it? Not all men are the fucking extreme. Some are though. And that's, on the other hand, so difficult for certain other ppl to comprehend. Damn. Take off ur black-and-white glasses, y'all, and ACTUALLY SEE beyond ur wishes and whatnot).
a human that tore off half of his nature
in the name of what that very nature calls him to be. ironic. (but irony is common. nature "has a weird sense of humor".)
a man isn't only attractive or worthy if he's an expression of his kind's extreme.
quite the opposite, if anything. plenty of anecdotal evidence to prove that. and what's funnier, plenty of scientific evidence as well.
u don't gotta be all hard, man. soft is beautiful too.
and no, i don't just mean ur dick. -_-
Speaking of, smaller one is easier to make love to
and finger's length is enough to reach prostate anyway.
I can make you cry in pleasure regardless of the size of your penis,
and that's all that matters. Nothing fucking else.
(ah that formatting
truly adds charm...)
Big can maybe make u sexy. Maybe. But really,
the full picture is what makes sexy. Not just one fragment of it.
I literally knew two men: one hung as fuck, one abt average. The former was okay; the latter though
physically and in his "vibe" (not that I knew him much)
was my dream (one of them. Let's be honest). And I was like,
dude, if I could just give you pleasure and make u mine, I'd be happy (okay, not really; life's not THAT "easy". But u get what I mean).
Dick size? Ceased to exist. Literally most irrelevant piece of the whole cake.
penis is not all a man is. *mind = blown*
It seems like old news for many, yet it's still so rooted in common thinking. I don't get it. COMPREHENSION IMPOSSIBLE, EXPLANATION REQUIRED.
not a very well-written piece, but it is what it is. that's what happens when i start artsy but the topic is more than just feelings.
it's a type of text i would come back to time and time again to add stuff, bc the topic is so big * and the current product is far from my unbiased ideal - or any other ideal, for that matter - but
unbiased is impossible, truly. so let's let it be in its current imperfect form.
it's still better than the reality kekw
* I've mostly focused on one aspect of it; and that was bc the whole thing was inspired by sth that made me think of how much the aesthetic standards around men have changed over the last few/-teen years (well, they change all the time). And how things can continue to change over the years.
#16,18,24.7.23; opublikowany 24.7.23
heart beats
Poetry~ poezje itp ~ w gruncie rzeczy, jesteśmy worami mięsa, kości, i flaków. ale w tym worze mieści się mózg, a mózg to wciąż niezbadana złożoność, która z prostego wora potrafi uczynić święty graal. the heart beats/heartbeats/heartbeat: serce bije, ser...