copy, paste, repeat

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back in the day

we were original.

we were creative

had Sth To Say.

we used our own words

- were demanded to! in schools -

and everything was as if more...



we're copies.

everything's a reference, a meme, a quote.

"npc" comments flood social media.

everybody repeats after another.

maybe it's just appearances. maybe it was always like that


nowadays we have the internet and that amplifies it and makes it easier to observe.

i also wrote that like it's a poem

while shitting. i shouldn't have: poor toilet behaviour. eh. we all have our bad moments. (oh, it even rhymed.





24.4.24, 7.5.24 (opublikowany 15.7.24)

heart beatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz