a hug

3 1 0

In Your Arms

i can feel

like all the space i need

always needed


opens up.

it's safe.

you've got me.

I can breathe.




We need that. We really need that. Almost actually to live (or at least to feel like we want to). It's healing. A self-hug can never feel as good - bc it's lacking that social context.

(The only sabotager is social aversion).




Hug me.

I'll hug you back.

We'll stay together

and just be.

We'll feel it's safe

to feel how we feel

to need what we need

to be who we are

to smile

to cry.

I'll hold you.




#28.12.22    (and still grieving)

heart beatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz