I wish it was different but I'm powerless: not feeling that good today.
Things feel a bit tender and my brain is being silly again.
Will it pass, ever? And when, for fuck's sake?! I keep asking god knows whom.
I guess it will - but not forever because life is cycles of gold peaks and doom.
There's no end point in this struggle - up until death comes.
There's no recovery - we can only integrate the new element into our lives.
There's no rush to feel better - here, pressure doesn't help.
Just keep calm and breathe. It doesn't have to rhyme either.
heart beats
Poesía~ poezje itp ~ w gruncie rzeczy, jesteśmy worami mięsa, kości, i flaków. ale w tym worze mieści się mózg, a mózg to wciąż niezbadana złożoność, która z prostego wora potrafi uczynić święty graal. the heart beats/heartbeats/heartbeat: serce bije, ser...