cut off the shit

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i'll take a black knife

i'll cut out the ambers

throw away the inflammation

and remain an empty chamber

lifeless and dead.

all passion gone.

for the ambers came from

what i care about the most.

the inflammation is not the real problem

or so u say, bc u can't take it out completely without killing urself.

without care, life's meaningless bland and washed out

the spice has dulled. no flavor on the tongue

the core of what makes one love

is the same as the core of what causes one pain.

we don't want pain. but we love pleasure, passion, ecstasy

- so much so that we're willing to tolerate the pain just to have moments of orgasmic elation.

humans are funny. (and fucked up).




5.7.24 (opublikowany 15.7.24)

heart beatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz