me [is my self]

1 0 0

so i exist

a man

[and tons of other traits]

turning leaves

leaving [the] past behind

where it belongs

and i don't have to tell anybody

yo i'm a man

- I know that. and that's all that matters

to me.

to know who i am

to know what i am

to know how much i don't know

to know it doesn't matter

nothing matters in the end.

i'm a man.

who lives his life

as a fact

not as a statement.

i don't feel the need

to deny myself who i am in the interest of who i am

because i know-feel who i am

and that's enough.

only those that see the world in black and white

don't know

but that doesn't matter:

i'm the only one that "needs" to know who i am

because i'm the only one

who's me.

and since i'm the only one that can possibly feel who i am and be who i am


i'm the only one who defines me.

everything else is opinions

and opinions don't matter for they don't make nor reflect facts.

i'm my own proof.

i don't need to do anything - my existence is proof enough for me

that i am who i am.

if anybody thinks

that's not enough

they have a problem

and it's their business to solve it

because i'm not gonna give

anything else. i owe you nothing. deal with it.




Znaczenie: koncept siebie [tu ze skupieniem na płci i płciowości] budowany na samopoznaniu i poczuciu siebie zamiast na zewnętrznych tworach [tu: wymysłach na temat płci i płciowości]. To tak bardzo w skrócie, ale nie zrobię tu wykładu.

i both love that, hm, poem and am fucking frustrated with it - the latter being bc i feel like there's more i can put into it but somehow it just doesn't want to fit. whatever. can always update it later.




#28.2.24, 13.3.24 (opublikowany 6.4.24)

heart beatsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz