the happiest fruit

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sweet balls that grow so bright

like little suns among the green

juicy and sunny

beauty of life in each jolly drop







#3.3.24, 1.4.24




grapefruits are too bitter. lemons lack sweetness. tangerines have it too much, lackluster. limes are the worst ever, wtf that even exists (maybe i'll change my mind one day). but oranges: perfect. sweet spot. unparalleled citrus.

hate sun but love oranges. they're my sun, if anything. the one that doesn't produce heat; it only produces happiness. brightens my day and all. ive been discovering that new, truly exhilarating quality in them. gotta document pleasant experiences. ah, when life gives u oranges... =) they make a day more gay and wholesome. aż chce się żyć. still sucks cunt tho; let's not get too fluffy.

now, some oranges (and orange juice) have a more dark flavor. idk if it's abt the types or what; im not a plantologist or whatever fancy name they came up with. above im talking the ones that actually taste bright. like sun in midday, not like sunset. id say peaches and mangos come somewhat close. fruits are so lovely.

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