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I woke up at 6:30 by my alarm. I go into the bathroom and put on my makeup, and do my hair. "Hey can I come in?" My mom said knocking at the door "yeah ma" I said and she came in sitting on the counter. "Hey so me and Eric have to go back to Troy in 2 months because Aunt Cassie has a big project coming up in Florida for her new business and since I wanted to catch up with some of my old friends while babysitting Maxine, would you be ok with that?" She explained. Her and Eric, my stepdad would basically be gone for 2 weeks and my sophomore, troublemaking ass was great with that idea. "Yeah! That's totally fine ma just please tell me you will be careful?" I asked her. Troy, New York is a nice place to live but some people are dodgey there. "Ok and remember you have practice tonight so write all of this down in your calendar for yourself" she said and walked out shutting the door. A whole 2 weeks without any parents and a house to myself, I'm gonna have friends over cause why not? I mean all of my friends from last year are going to the same school and trust me, we went to some ragers last year with our older friends so we know how to have a good time. I left my bathroom and put on a dark green sweater and black yoga pants, hearing my mom start the car. I step outside into her black Chevy Malibu and turn on We paid by lil baby.

Time skip ⏭️

I walk up to the doors of the school. I came here last year but they made some renovations from last year. I waited for my friends Maddy, Alisha, Isaiah, Carrah, and Marcus to arrive before going in. "Sup bae" Carrah said as she walked up to me, everyone else coming to meet us less than 5 mins later. "Let's do schedule swaps so we can see if we have classes together" Isaiah said and we all swapped with eachother. I have Marcus in 1st period Physics, Alisha in 2nd Algebra, no one in third for gym, Maddy in 4th History, Isaiah in 5th English, Carrah in 6th Civics, and nobody in 7th Science.  We all had 10 mins left before we had to be in first period so we all scattered and went to our lockers. After I went to my locker and looked down at my schedule. Physics 1st period. Great. I slowly walked to class, getting there right before the bell rings. I Look in the back and See Marcus and an empty seat next to him in the car right corner. I walked over to the empty desk and sat down. "Of course we have Physics at 8am" I say groaning and putting my head down. "It's aight just remember you gotta keep yo grades up for b-ball season" He reminded me. I lifted my head up, "oh right, that starts in November tho it's only September." I said and the teacher I walked in....

Time skip again ⏭️

I put my physics book in my locker since my 3rd period is gym, I take my backpack and walk down to the gym. I had my gym teacher as a coach for softball when I used to play as a kid and she is one of my moms friends so I know her very well. She used to come over to babysit me when I was really young when my mom went out, she's almost like my aunt.

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