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After we ate we just talked until he had to go grab his bags. "Be good for mom ok? See you soon" he said kissing my forehead "I will, bye dad" I said and he left starting up his truck. I went to my room and blasted my music since my mom wasn't home and cleaned my room. The rest of the night I played video games, snacked, and talked to my friends. I was already excited for summer since Melo is about to get his license because his 16th birthday is coming up and my friends love to party so between those two and the fact that I only live 45 minutes away from the beach I'm hyped asf. My mom was out with her friends until about 2 am but when she got home I was still up, watching movies. "What are you still up for?" She asked me once she got inside "oh idk I just couldn't sleep, and I was gonna make sure your okay" I said. "Yeah I'm good I'm just a little tipsy, what're your plans for the weekend?" She asked. "I'm going over the Balls house for a party tomorrow then I'm gonna just go to the gym Sunday." I told her. "Ok, lmk when you need a ride" she told me and we both went upstairs and went to bed.

Time skip ⏭️

I woke up around 9:30, whew first day of summer! I rolled out of bed and brushed my hair putting it in a bun, I was going for a run this morning so I wore black biker shorts and a nike t-shirt. I grabbed my headphones and put them on my neck jogging downstairs. My mom was making coffee in the kitchen. "Yo Ma im going for a run be back in a little" I told her. "Ok be careful" she answered and I put my headphones on my rap playlist. I ran for a good 1.5 miles around Chino then another 1.5 miles back to the house. When I got home I looked at my distance tracker on my phone. "Damn 3 miles in 2 hours" I whispered to myself. It was 12:15 and I had to be at the balls house by 1 so I took a quick shower and put on light makeup. "Ma should I go with pink flower bikini orrr" I held up another "the fine china blue bikini" I asked her "the blue one I love that on you" she smiled. "Thanks mom, I need to leave in like 10 minutes" I told her so she can get ready to go. She nods and I leave to change, putting a white cover up on over it. I went to the bathroom closet and packed sunscreen, sunglasses, a towel, and a change of clothes. I put it all in a tote bag and put on my sun hat while walking downstairs. "You look cute" My mom squealed making me giggle "thank you ma" I did a 360 "now Les go" she said and we went out to the car. "Play me some Cardi" My mom said and gave me the aux cord, we listened to various Cardi B songs until we pulled up to LaMelos house, there whole driveway and some of the road had cars parking everywhere. "Ok text me when you want me to come get you" mom said. "Ok thanks love you" I blew her a kiss and shut the door, I walked through the gate and through the driveway listening to the music coming from the backyard. I knocked on the door.

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