-28- (18+)

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(After practice)

I went upstairs and took a shower, blow drying my hair since I won't have enough time to air dry it. It was 3:30 while I was re doing my makeup and picking my outfit. I chose light washed jeans and a white sweatshirt with the Nike logo. Once I was done I asked Ally if she could bring me and she said yes, starting the car. We went out and she brought me to Melos where he was waiting out on his porch. I walk up and see he's wearing a t shirt and shorts with slippers. "Where is your jacket you goon! Your gonna get sick!" I bugged him. January was one of the coldest months of the year and kid is dressed like it's mid summer. We went inside and I greeted his family. "Hey Taylor!" Tina hugged me, I hugged everyone and when I hugged Lonzo we told everyone about our interview today with each other. After we were done we all sat down at the table and Tina went to finish the spaghetti. Me and Lavar had a nice conversation about sports while me and Melo held hands under the table. Tina came in with everyone's plates and we all thanked her, I told her how good it was and she looked so happy. We ate and talked about things like school, basketball, future plans, and so many other things. Once we were all done I thanked Tina and offered to help do the dishes but she declined. Lavar told Melo that him and Tina were going out for drinks with her co workers in 30 mins. We went up to his room and layed on his bed, watching tiktoks on my phone. He was holding me in his arms and started roaming his hands around my body. I turned red and faced him, his eyes darker than usual. I turned my body towards him too and kissed his neck, leaving a purple mark under his jawline. We made out for a minute, I was in his lap and he was holding me by the thigh and back of my neck. We kiss until we hear maniacal laughing. We look over and see Liangelo and Lonzo in the doorway. Gelo started screaming "AHAHAHA THEY FUCKIN! GET IT LIL BRO" while Lonzo was grinding at the air and flicking his tongue. "Get the fuck out!" Melo yelled annoyed. "DONT MAKE TOO MUCH NOISE" Gelo said and shut the door. Good thing Tina and Lavar aren't home. He grumbled then went to go lock the door, I giggled at his frustration. He came back to bed and sat down moving me into his lap. "Now where were we" he said and we went back to kissing. I started moving my hips around and after a while he was hard asf. "Strip" He said and we both got up and got undressed, while helping undress each other. He layed me back on the bed and sat inbetween my spread legs. "Ready?" He asked. "Yes baby" I said and he rubbed my clit with his right hand while he entered 2 fingers in with his left. "Ohhh fuck Melo" I moaned. He did this for a while until he felt I was ready. He slipped a condom on that he took from his dresser. I gasped when he entered me, immediately starting thrusting. He groaned my name and it made my pussy tingle. "God damn Melo" I whined. His thrusts became sloppy and we both came at the same time. I caught my breath as he slipped out of me and took the condom off, throwing it away. He layed next to me and put the covers over us and scooted over to cuddle me. "I love you so much" I said and kissed him. He kissed me back "I love you more" then kissed me before I could repent. We layed there until I had to leave, smiling I said goodbye to him and Nick picked me up.

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