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I See my mom waiting in the parking lot and walk out to the car, waving to my friends before getting in. "How was the first day?" Mom asked. "It was good I met some new people, I made a friend in gym class since I didn't have any, he's really nice" I responded. "He??? Thats so cute!!" She squeals and when I groan she giggles. "He's only a friend ma!" I say smiling and she says ok very sarcastically. Once we were inside and sitting in the living room I see my brother pull in behind us. He goes to the same Highschool as me but he usually stays a little bit longer because he waits for Ally to get out of study group. They pull into the driveway and him and Ally get out. Him and Ally have been dating since 8th grade so me and Ally have always been like sisters so she moved in because they have been together for a long time. They come in and Ally runs to give me a hug while mom goes into the kitchen, hearing the timer go off. "Dinner ready in 20!" She yelled so we could hear her. I went upstairs and unpacked my bag, laying in bed and watching tiktok until dinner was ready. Once it was time to eat I went downstairs and sat at the table, since Ally and Nick were already there I sat next to Ally. Mom came out of the kitchen and sat the plates of spaghetti on the table. She sat down with my dads and me Ally and Nick talked about our first day of school. "Taylor met a boy!" My mom said and I went red "who?? Do I have to murder someone??" Nick said jokingly angry. "No no no mom got it all wrong he's just a friend" I said. "What is his name?" My dad asked. "LaMelo, his last name is ball" I answered. "Is his dad Lavar?" My dad asked me. "I... don't know? I don't think I do" I said confused. "Oh, well I went to Highschool with a Lavar Ball" He said and i nodded. We all talked as we finished dinner, then me Ally and Nick went into the living room to watch a movie while dad and mom cleaned up. I put on The Terrifier and Layed down in a chair hammock with a blanket. After we watched the movie it was 9 and I was tired so I said goodnight to Ally, assuming she was sleeping over, and Nick while walking to mom and dads bedroom. "Hey Im gonna take a shower then go to bed so I'll see y'all in the morning?" I said. "Ok goodnight sweetie" my dad said and hugged me. I smiled and shut the door walking off to the bathroom attached to my room and turned on the shower. While I was in the shower I thought about how LaMelo looked at me today. Looking at me with that big smile and dark brown eyes. I would say he's the first guy I've really liked other than the boy I liked in 6th grade. But I finished up and got out of the shower, towels wrapping around me and my hair. I changed into my pajamas and laid  in my bed, watching tiktoks for 30 minutes until I fell asleep with a smile on my face thinking about LaMelo. He only met me today and he already speaks to me so respectfully and is so nice to me.

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