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*A month later*
I woke up Wednesday morning at 6:30 for school. I got up and put on a black long sleeve and grey sweatpants. I did. my Make-up and hygiene quickly, I wanted to get to school a little early because Carrah said she had to tell us something. We left for the school and were there at 7:30, 30 minutes before school starts. When I got out of the car I waved to my mom and walked over to the picnic table in front of the school where Marcus, Isaiah, Alisha, Maddy, and Carra were sitting. "Hey what's the tea?" I asked her sitting down. "So y'all know about that guy that I made friends with? Well his name is Miles and he said that he thought I was cute so me and him have been talking soooo much recently" Carrah explained. Alisha squealed happily and went on a rampage on how happy she is that Carrah found herself a 'manz' as she would say. We waited for everyone else to arrive and went into the school, spreading out once again to our lockers. When I was at my locker I heard someone behind me and turned around, shutting my locker. "Yo we gotta go your gonna be late" Marcus said and started walking away, I had to do a little jog to keep up with him and we made it to first period. Throughout 1st and 2nd period I couldn't stop thinking about LaMelo. I had only met this kid yesterday yet I already love this kid. Once the 2nd period ending bell rang I quickly stood up and went to gym, seeing that oh so new familiar face once again. With a sigh I smiled and went to sit next to him in the bleachers. "Hey!" He said to me and smiled. "Sup!" I said back and Mrs Austin rolled the ping pong tables out. Once we got the paddles we were playing and talking, when the topic of Friday nights came up. "Are you free Friday evening?" He asked me. "Yeah I am, what's up?" I asked him and he looked at the paddle in his hands. "Do you think you could come over for dinner and meet my fam?" He asked looking up at me, or should I say down. I went red, "yeah, sure I'd love to" I said smiling. "I'll send you my address come over at 5?" He asked "Yeah!" I smiled and we were both blushing, going back to playing ping pong. "Also remember that the basketball tryouts are Monday after school, I heard we're sharing the gym so we'll be there at the same time." I reminded him "Oh right, I totally forgot it was this Monday" he said and I giggled.

Time skip ⏭️

I arrived home from the last day of school for the week. I remembered that I was going over LaMelos house for dinner tonight. "Hey ma, LaMelo wanted me to come over for dinner tonight, that cool?" I asked her and she said yes. I started getting ready since I wanted to make a good impression for his parents and figured sweatpants weren't the best way. I put on a nice black dress with flowy sleeves, combining it with a silver necklace, rings, and silver hoops. I brushed out my hair and decided on some small black heels. I felt nice so I posted it on insta.


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Taylor.Moran13: Dinner Dress tonight? I think so 🤫🤫
Liked by: Isaiahthemenace, and 247 others.
Maddy_Zimmerman: Marry me
Ally...Brazzy: so cuteee 💗💗
Nicholas_the1: Sister going on a date?🙀

After I posted that I finished my makeup and put on more perfume followed by my converse. "Are you ready hun?" My mom yelled from the bottom of the stairs, "yeah coming!" I yelled back and checked the time, 4:45. I walked out of my room with a smile.

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