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I woke up later this morning, taking more time to get up because I didn't have to pack my practice bag since the boys had a game tonight. I wore a white t-shirt and a fleece flannel over it with ripped blue skinny jeans. I did my makeup and went downstairs, making pancakes for me Nick and Ally. Once theirs was done I put them on plates. "Room service" I say opening their door. I out it down on his dresser and walked out after they said thank you. I ate my pancake quickly and then waited on my phone for everyone to be ready. "Aight let's go" Nick said and we all got in the car. The vibes were weirdly off but I didn't say anything as I watched them both give each other looks. When he was dropping me and Ally off at the front we open the doors, "Tay see you later Ally meet me at our spot" he said winking at her. I made a Fake gagging sound and shut the door. I sat down next to Melo and his friend Tristan. "Hey T your Coming to my game tonight right?" He asked me. "Wouldn't miss it" I smiled. He pulled his spare jersey, the one he isn't using out and put it in my hand "so you wanna wear that tonight?" He asked me and I squealed in joy "yes yes yesss of course!" I say grabbing his face and kissing him on the cheek. I put it in my bag folded nicely and we went into the school, today I didn't need anything in my locker because 1st and 2nd period are doing quizzes. Once I got to third period I sat next to Melo "y'know our 3 months is Friday that party is like our anniversary party in a way" I said "That's right, I have the date on my phone of me and my favorite girls anniversary" he said wrapping him arm over my shoulder. I see everyone get up and grab rackets for badminton so I get up and grab two, with Melo following me. We played on the same team and we ended up winning against the other group of kids, some of them were older than us and some of them were younger. We finished the game and our our rackets away since we heard the bell ring. "See you later baby" He said kissing me on the top of the head. I smiled and kissed him on the cheek, going to History. When I walked in I saw Maddy absolutely slumped in her chair. I sat next to her and tapped her confused, "you Ight?" I said and she opened her eyes and it looked like she hadn't slept at all with her eyes being beat red. "I was with Samara and I hit some shit, I'm high as fuck right now" she said sipping her water. "Omfg gurl, it's 10am" I said laughing quietly to not attract the teacher. "I didn't think it would be that strong" Maddy laughed. I took the notes for history twice on separate pieces of paper and had Maddy take a nap, telling her I'll do her notes. Once I was done I grabbed her bag and put her notes in her folder. The rest of the day went by quick and I waited for Nick and Ally to be done with study hall, I chose to skip because I didn't have any homework to do. "Yo sis your coming to my game tonight right?" Nick asked me once we got in the car "Yuh" I said and we drove back home bumping to music on the way. 

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