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At the end of half time the boys must have done roids or something in the locker room cause they were on full game mode. Dunking, Breaking ankles, doing spiffy moves, allat. Nearing the end of the game there were 10 seconds left and we were up by 20. He brought the ball up and right before he hit half court he pointed at me, pointed at the half court line, and threw it. Swish. Everyone went wild and my heart melted at the fact that he dedicated that shot to me. After they high fived the other team they disappeared into the locker room. Me and Ally got up and waited on the court with everyone else, her waiting for Nick and Me waiting for Melo. I saw Lavar, Tina, Lonzo, and Liangelo also waiting on the court and then the team started coming out. When Nick came out he walked over here giving me a hug then hugging Ally wrapping his arm around her shoulder. I see Melo and he sees me so we run up to each other, meeting in the middle. I hug him and he picks me up laughing and smiling. Once he put me down he held my hand and walked us over to his family. "Ayy my man!" Liangelo said and they did a handshake. He hugged them all then Lavar turned to me. "And there's the girl! How you been hun?" He asked me also hugging me. Over the past 3 months Lavar had basically became my 2nd dad. "Good good! How's my favorite father?" I asked him "same old same old" he said sounding like an old white guy. I said goodbye to Melo and the family and walked back over to Nick and Ally talking to some of Nicks teammates. "Oh y'all lemme introduce her, this my sister Taylor" he said gently dragging me infront of him by my shoulders. "Sup" I said and one of them looked like he had an idea or sum "yo you Melos girl right?" He asked. "Yuh" I said then went back to standing next to Ally. Nick and them talked for a couple more minutes then we left, feeling the fresh breeze cool us off. Once we got home I cleaned my room excitedly then sort of cleaned the house, and put everything valuable in the hallway closet that would remain locked through the party tomorrow. "Come in" Nick said as I knocked on the door. "Make sure everything valuable is in the hall closet and lock it when your done, I just didn't want shit to get broken tomorrow night" I explained throwing the key to him. "Good idea" He said getting up. I Left his room and grabbed my key off my desk. I was going to also lock my room so that nobody can fuck in my bed at the party, me being the exception. I got everything out so that we didn't need to set up when the party started. I grabbed all the booze we had and set it out on the counter, turning this ho into a bar. I grabbed a bunch of red solo cups and ash trays, putting a lighter in every one. I went downstairs into the basement where the dance floor and DJ was gonna be. Once everything was done the house looked bomb asf. I went back upstairs and went into the bathroom I shaved my lady parts since me and Melo planned to fuck for the first time at the party. I got my body all nice and clean and then did my bed routine. I never explained my routine before but in the morning I brush my teeth, take my pills which consist of birth control and anti depressants, yeah we ain't gonna talk abt that. Then doing my makeup and other beauty stuff. Then at night I brush my teeth, take a shower, do skincare, then go to bed. I've had the same morning routine for 3 years so it's engraved in my brain. I got in bed, going on tiktok for an hour then going to sleep excited for tomorrow.

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