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I shut the door behind us and we take our shoes off "Ma come here!" I yelled out to my mom in the kitchen. She came over to the front door "ah hi it's nice to see you again LaMelo!" She said pulling him into a hug. My mom has met him a couple times and she loves him so much. I lead him to my room and he shut my door. "You cleaned your room just for meeee" he taunted me and plopped face down onto my bed. I layed down next to him "yeahhhh" I mocked him. "We're gonna watch a movie ok?" I asked him and he handed me the remote that was under him, I scrolled through Netflix and saw The Babysitter and clicked it. I paused it quickly and put on my purple LEDs and turned the lights off. "I made popcorn right before you got here" I said handing him the bowl that was on my nightstand. I grabbed a blanket and covered up me and him and I snuggled into him, wrapping his arm around me.

Melo POV:
We were almost through the movie when I heard soft snoring under my arm, I looked over and saw T sleeping. I smiled and took a picture of her, capturing the moment. "Your so beautiful" i whispered kissing her and laying my head right next to hers. I love her so much and I couldn't imagine what I would do without her. Once the movie ended it was almost time for me to go, I tried to get up without waking her but she groaned and opened her eyes "Melo?" She rubbed her eyes. "Yes, it's almost time for me to go" she was more awake now and got up hugging me resting her head on my chest. "I forgot to ask you earlier, did you get the email?" She asked me. "Yup practice Monday at 2:30" I smiled at her and she smiled back at me. "When's your first game again? Kathy told us but I don't remember" she said. "It's next Thursday at 7, home game" i said and she nodded. She turned the lights on and the LEDs off, going downstairs with me. "My dads here, see you tomorrow" I asked her, "of course, goodnight Melo" she said kissing me, but our moment ended and I stepped out the door after thanking her mom and left.

Taylor POV: I smiled to myself while walking up the stairs and going into my room. I put the popcorn bowl on my nightstand and folded the blanket I grabbed and put it in my closet. I went into my bathroom and took a shower, still feeling his curly hair against mine as I slept. I got out of the shower and put on a face mask, I'm going to the mall with Alisha, Maddy, Isaiah, Marcus, Carrah, and Melo tomorrow so I wanted to look nice. I put on my pajamas and before I went to bed I FaceTimed Maddy. "Heyyy" I said "Hey girl what's up" She said while she was doing her skincare. "I can't wait for tomorrow, should I wear a skirt and a sweatshirt since it's gonna be warm in the mall or should I wear jeans and a black shirt?" I asked her, showing her the options that I layed out on my bed. "Definitely the skirt remember last time we went there and sweated our asses off" we laughed. "What are you wearing?" I asked her and she went into her room. "These flare leggings and this t-shirt" she said showing me. "Oh purrrrr, alright I'll see you tomorrow byeeee" I said to her "ok cya!" We hung up and I put my jeans away, getting in bed. When I layed down I was tired so I went right to sleep excited for tomorrow.

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