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The next Monday I woke up and looked at my calendar, it's spirit week. I checked my phone and saw todays theme was party in the USA. I wore a red sequin skirt, a blue cropped tank top and white cowboy boots. I put on my cowboy hat then went to go do my makeup. Our school goes all out for spirit week, last year the school decorated everything for one of the themes, taking hours to take down. I was making my bed when Ally knocked then came in. She was wearing a red white and blue dress and put a plate of funfetti pancakes on my bed. "I love spirit week, is Nick dressed up too?" I asked her. "Yeah he looks crazy" She giggled. I walked downstairs and saw Nick. He was wearing Jean shorts, an American flag printer wife beater, and a hat to the back with sunglasses and a fake beer in his hand. I burst out laughing almost pissing myself in the process. I post a picture of him on my Snapchat story captioning it 'yee yee 🤠'. We got in the car and went to school. When he dropped me off I looked at our table and it looks like if we were a frat house. I walked over and saw Melo with an American flag printed cowboy hat on and red white and blue clothes. I laughed and looked at everyone else's while we joked around. "Girl how are you not cold?" Maddy giggled pointing at my skirt. "Oh nah im fucking freezing but whateva" I shrugged it off and Melo put his arm around me snuggling me into him. After the doors opened we all got up and went off. I went to my locker seeing a big flag over one of the teachers doors and the other had red white and blue beads as a little curtain. I went to first period and our teacher had a red white and blue top hat on, Abraham Lincoln lookin ahh. I sat with Marcus and our new friend Angie who sits infront of Marcus. Once I got to 3rd period I see Mrs Austin dressed as a white claw. For a backstory one day a group of seniors were at a party and Mrs Austin showed up and got drunk on white claws, it's now an inside joke through out all the students. Mrs Austin is the cool teacher that everyone likes so everyone loved her costume. Me and Melo went into the workout room since she gives you a choice of doing the sport if the day, or going to the weight room. We spotted each other and I took a video of the reflection of the mirror wall of me sitting on Melo while he did a push-up, both of us laughing. I tried to do He same thing while Melo sat on me and I started laughing and fell, Melo smushed me and then we got up and I posted the video of me on Melo on Instagram with the song 'Andy (I can't live without you)'. It's my favorite love song that my parents played at their wedding and I fell in love with it. I went to their wedding because she divorced my dad before I was born and she married my 'dad' when I was 10 so I was the flower girl. At 7th period I was alone, but that was okay because Melo got dismissed because he had a doctors appointment. We didn't have practice because my coach was sick, I was glad that it was cancelled because in 7th period it started raining

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