-21- (18+)

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He layed next to me and rubbed my stomach lightly "holy shit, that was amazing wtf" I said sitting up. I look down and see Melos dick hard and slick with precum. I have him lay down and I hover over his thighs, holding it and stroke it, making him moan and hold my thighs. Once he felt it was enough he stopped me. "Are you ready for the full thing?" He asked me now having me lay down infront of him and he sat between my legs. "Yes Melo I'm ready" I said and he rubbed my thighs "wait! I'll be right back" I said sitting up and going into my bathroom, thank god it's attached to my room. I grab the box of condoms and estimate his size. I grab the whole box not knowing which one he wants. I walk back in and set it next to him. "Ok good lay back down" he said and I went back into the position we were in. He grabbed a large condom and unwrapped it, putting it on having it fit perfectly. He looked me in the eyes and held my hand, sliding into me slowly. "Ohhh shit you feel so good" he groaned pushing himself all the way in. He gave me a minute to adjust to him inside me. He started moving slowly, picking up the pace and I moaned louder and he grabbed my boob fiddling with my nipple while the bounced from the force of his thrusts. "Shit I'm close" I said throwing my head back. "Fuck me too baby" he said. After a minute he thrusted one final time cumming at the same time as me. We sat for a second to calm down and he slid out of me, taking the condom off and throwing it in the trash. He layed back down on the side of me and rubbed my belly. "Hey wanna know a secret?" He asked me and I turned to face him. I hummed for him to continue. "This was my first time too" he finished smiling fully, his braces on display. I smiled too and kissed him. "Thank you for tonight, it was amazing" I thanked him and he wrapped his other arm around me. "I'm glad we had our first time with each other" he said resting his head on my chest. "Wanna go back down and drink?" I asked him and he grinned. "Hell yeah let's do it" he said getting up and handing me my clothes. He put his boxers on and I went into my dresser pulling out a new underwear and bra because I didn't want to put the bodysuit back on. We both got dressed and went into my bathroom to freshen up so we didn't look like we just came from a cat fight. Once we looked fine we headed back out of my room locking it on the way out and holding hands down the stairs. It was now about 1am and the house was still bumpin with people and music and drinks everywhere. We got drinks and sat on the deck by the bonfire where the party sort of shifted to. I saw Nick doing a keg stand with his buddies so I recorded it, laughing and cheering him on with Melo by my side. By 4am mostly everyone except for some of Nicks friends were here and Melo was still here because he was sleeping over. I told Nick that we were going to bed and he said goodnight, turning the music off and starting to put the booze away so it doesn't go flat. We went upstairs and I unlocked my room putting the key on my desk because I didn't need it anymore. Me and Melo changed into our matching pajama shorts and big baller brand t-shirts. I shut off the lights and I slid into bed so he layed next to me, cuddling up to me and laying his head on my chest and hand on my belly. We fell asleep like that and I couldn't have wanted it any other way.

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