-55- (18+?)

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Tina went into the kitchen then came back in with a bottle of wine. "Who wants wine?" Tina asked and all the parents got glasses and us kids went to our rooms, I went to Melos. I layed down on his bed and he layed right next to me resting his head on my chest and arms around me "I'm glad you can come with us to Lithuania, I don't know how I could live without you for half a year." Melo said looking up at me. "Me too, that's a nightmare, but now we can advance together right?" I say and he nods and kissed me, I wrap my arms around his neck and he holds onto my throat. The door gets swung open quickly and Lonzo and Liangelo came in "uh are we interrupting something" Gelo said. "Whatchu want?" Melo asked ignoring him. "We wanna play 2k" Lonzo said. Melo looked at me and I nodded signaling him that they can. "Bet" Melo got up and turned on his Xbox. "I'll watch y'all" I said getting up with his grey blanket wrapped around me. They pulled up bean bags in front of his tv and I was facing away from them on my phone when Melo picked me up bridal style "ah put me down!" I said laughing and Melo sat down on the bean bag with me across his lap. "I call warriors" Melo said and they all picked their teams. They were all screaming and laughing and my mom texted me saying that they are going home so I went down quickly to say bye to them. "Text me when u get up k?" My mom said hugging me. "Alright love you guys" I said and went back upstairs and instead put the blanket over me and Melo. When I was getting comfortable Melo grunted quietly, looking at me. "Oops" I whispered and he kissed his teeth shaking his head. Lonzos character dunked on him and they started arguing and I was laughing my ass off watching Gelo try to get them to stop. "That's why you get no pussy boy" Melo yelled and Gelo started crying laughing now "EW ion wanna hear about your sex life" Lonzo said giving him a stank face. They played 2k for another hour until I went to lay in Melos bed but he held me "nooo stay hereeee" he wined I groaned and put my head under the blanket. I lifted his shirt a little bit and kissed his v-line "a-ay I'm... boutta win this. Shit" Melo said stuttering and I giggled quietly, since he doesn't wanna let me sleep I'm gonna tease him. I brought my head back up and rested it on his neck. "You gonna give me blue balls if you keep this up" he whispered in my ear and I turned red making him smirk. They finished the 2k game around 9:45 "aight I'm goin out with Denise tonight catch y'all tomorrow" Lonzo said and Gelo also left. Melo shut off his Xbox with his controller. I fixed my stance to be straddling him. He had one hand on my neck and one hand on my hip. When I wrapped my arms around him we made out and he pinched my thigh making me gasp and he slid his tongue in my mouth. He pulled away and took off his shirt so I did the same. "We should probably lock the door" Melo said and I got up off of him to sit on the bed as he went to lock the door.

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