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"So what's up with y'all how've you been" I asked everyone, we were all now sitting down eating. "Busy for the most part, but other than that just chillin" Gelo answered. They all talked about things amongst each other until a guy came over, he was about the same height as the brothers. "Ey boys!" He said "alan!" Melo loudly said, standing up to dap him up with a hug. They all greeted this guy and talked to him for a couple minutes. After he left i broke the silence, "who's he?" I asked "he's dads friend, he's the co-founder of BBB and he's kinda like our uncle" Melo explained. I nodded and we finished eating. Me and Melo went back to our chairs and some of Melos friends came from inside and sat next to us talking about god knows what, I was just scrolling through Instagram. The sun was starting to go down and some people left so Lavar put logs in the fire pit, setting them on fire and putting marshmallows and other s'mores stuff on the table. "Let's Go get the sticks they in my basement" Melo told me, me and him went into his basement with our phone flashlights. When I was searching through the boxes and Melo was searching through the shelves I found the sticks, they were skinny metal rods with skewers at one side. After poking myself with it to make sure it wasn't seriously sharp I went up behind Melo and gently poked him in the butt, not hard enough to stab him but not gentle enough for him to not feel it. "Ay!" He turned around and quickly picked me up slinging me over his shoulder. "Melo put me downnnn! It's not my fault you have a big ass" I whined. He laughed and we walked outside, putting me down on a lawn chair that was infront of the fire. "I'm gonna go change I'll be right back" I told him and got up taking my bag to Melos room to change. My new outfit is a t-shirt with a zip up over it and black BBB sweatpants. I went back outside and Melo started to stick his marshmallow stick over the fire, once I was next to him I watched it set on fire and get black "UHM UHM UHM..." He yelled trying to blow it out. Once it was blown out he threw it across the lawn getting sticky liquid marshmallow all over his hand "god damnit" he mumbled. I giggled "why don't I make us some and you can go wash your hand" I suggested. "Your the best" He kissed me then jogged into the house. I grabbed both our sticks and put a marshmallow on his putting them lightly over the fire. Once he was back outside they were pretty much done so I gave him his to s'more-ify. "Thank you baby" he kissed my cheek wrapping an arm around my shoulder "of course babe" I don't like s'mores so I just ate my marshmallow off the stick, Melo finished his After mine and we made a few more. Around 10 the party was pretty much over so my mom picked me up. "How was the party?" She asked while we were going home. "Good, we swam and had a cookout and stuff" I told her about it all the way till we were home and going into the house. "Goodnight hun" She said and we parted ways. I first changed then brushed my teeth, I'll shower tomorrow I'm too tired. My cat came in and we snuggled up in my bed until we fell asleep.

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