-71- (18+)

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When I woke up I had a light headache and sighed, I tried to roll over but felt someones arm under me. I basically jumped out of bed just to see Melos happy ass sprawled put on my bed. "Jesus Christ" I whispered. My parents weren't home so I went downstairs to cook us some breakfast. The pancakes were almost done when I heard Melo shuffling down the stairs with my blanket dragging behind him. "Goodmorning baby" I said still looking down at my pancakes. He said nothing and wrapped his arms around me and pressed up against me lightly groaning. He put his head on my shoulder and I felt something pressed up against my hip. "Morning wood?" I asked now using one of my hands to rub the front of his thigh. "Mhm" he whimpered. "I think I can help you with that" I whispered in his ear. I shut the oven off and grabbed Melos hand pulling him up to my bedroom. I closed my blinds and pushed Melo onto the bed sitting on top of him. "What do you want me to do baby" I asked rubbing his bare chest, he was only wearing his boxers and a blanket over his waist. "Meee" he whined grabbing my hips and rubbing his up into mine. I took my shirt off leaving me in just my shorts and unwrapped him from the blanket. He pulled down my shorts while I pulled down his boxers, once we were both naked he immediately tried to raise my hips up. "Patience baby hold on" I said and reached over him into my nightstand. While I was grabbing a condom my boobs hung in front of his face, he was practically making out with them. I ripped open the condom and slid it on him, lifting up my hips and sliding down on him. "Holy shit" He gasped and grabbed my hips. "Fuck baby" I moaned and began to bounce, I took both of his wrists in one hand and pinned them above his head. I bit my lip holding in my moans to hear his groaning and whining about god knows what, 'I wanna touch you' 'faster' 'so good' type stuff. I could tell he was close by the way he was twitching and how his hands held tightly onto mine. "Cum for me" I groaned, I was close too. After a few more seconds we came at the same time and I sat up to flop beside him while we caught our breaths. "Well good morning to you too" I laughed. "It was a good morning indeed" Melo snorted. "Awh my pancakes are cold now all cause your lil horndog!" I hit him with my pillow. "Nooo! I'll make you new ones I promise" he wrapped his arms around me putting his head in between my boobs. We both got dressed and I sat on the counter while he cooked us breakfast. "Do you remember what happened last night?" He asked me. "I remember some things but after I stopped dancing everything is blank." I said trying to remember. "Well lemme show you some things you did last night" he gave me his phone and I scrolled through the videos
The videos:
One was me falling into the lawn once I got home
One was Melo explaining to drunk me that he was my boyfriend  after I went on a long rant about my boyfriend being the best.
One was Melo holding in his laugh and me asking him if he wanted to see my boobs after he proved he was my boyfriend

And so on. I watched in embarrassment and humor as I finished the last video. "Omg so I didn't even know who you were?! God damn I was smacked" he laughed. He remade our pancakes and we chilled in the living room while we ate them.

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