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I got into the car, now I was lightly shaking since I was nervous of meeting Melo's parents. Over the last month we've gotten so close, even giving each other nicknames. Mine is T or TeeTee, and his is Melo, we've also been sitting with each other at lunch since both of our friend groups are cool. My mom got in the car and saw I was nervous. "Hey chill out honey you look great I'm sure they are gonna love you" she said side hugging me. "Thanks ma" I said. We were driving to his address and once we got to his cul de sac I saw him sitting outside of a big White House. "That's him mom" I said pointing over at the house. She nods and pulls into his driveway and parked. She gets out with me and Melo comes up to greet us, now that the porch light turned on he saw me in the light. "W-wow T you look... amazing" He said and blushed. I did too, "Thanks Melo, this is my mom Tracey, mom this is LaMelo" I said introducing them. My mom smiled at him "hello miss it's nice to meet you" he said shaking her hand. "Oh yes it's great to finally meet you, Taylor talks so much about you" she said. "Ma!" I whined turning red and Melo laughs. "That's good, well thank you for letting her have dinner with us" he thanked her. "Of course, I'll be here at 9 hun" Mom said giving me a kiss on the cheek and walking back to the car. Once she drove away Melo showed me inside and as I walked in I saw a nice cathedral ceiling and a big staircase. "Your house is so nice" i said looking around. "Thanks, the kitchen is this way" he said and led me to the kitchen. Once we got in I saw a very very very tall guy and another tall woman. Seeing people this big was quite shocking, I'm 5'7 and my dad is the tallest in my family 6'2 but this was like walking into a family of giants. "Hello I'm Taylor it's nice to meet you sir" i said putting my hand out to shake his dads hand, he laughed "no need for formalities, you can call me Lavar" he gave me a hug and I giggled, he must be where Melo gets his personality. "And I'm Tina, nice to meet you dear we've heard a lot about you" his mom said hugging me too. Me and Melo turned red and we heard the oven go off. "You can sit wherever you want at the dinner table, Melo can you go get your brothers?" Lavar asked and Melo walked off going upstairs after showing me to the dining room. I went on my phone and texted Maddy, my closest friend other than Melo.

Me: girl I'm gonna piss myself I'm at Melos house for dinner and he literally lives in a damn house of giants his parents are so tall omg

Maddy: girlll prayin for u 😭

Me: thx bae 😭🫶🏻

After I put my phone down Tina started setting the table, I decided to help her while we waited for Melo and his brothers, I don't know how many of them there are but it's more than one. "Thank you for helping me dear" She said and I smiled "of course" I replied sitting down.

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