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We woke up at 4 am to my alarm. My mom came in our room soon after "Goodmorning guys, just making sure y'all were up, we're leaving in an hour" she told us and left. I got up and got me and Melos clothes out for when he gets up. "Your gonna be a great mom" he says looking at me while he sat on the bed. "You think so?" I asked him. "Of course, one day you and I are gonna have a family and all that stuff" he said getting up and pulling me into his arms, picking me up so I wrap my legs around his waist. "Can't wait" I say and rub his cheek, we had our moment then we both got dressed and got ready together. "We're matching" I tell him as he looks at my outfit, I had on pink camo pajama pants and a white sweatshirt, and he had on blue camo pajama pants with a white sweatshirt. "Your like my manager, your a good mom and wife, how the fuck did I find you" he said and kissed me. I giggled "we'll come on bossman, we need to leave really soon" I said and we grabbed our bags emptying out anything we left. We waited in the lobby for my parents to check out. "Hey by the way, Lonzo's NBA draft night is in two weeks and it's gonna kinda be like a party. Everyone is allowed a plus one so Zo's bringing Denise and Gelos bringing Izzy so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me?" He asked me holding both my hands. A couple months ago they pulled Lonzo from UCLA. "Of course baby, I love you" I smiled and kissed him, no guy has ever treated me as well as him. "It's a dressy thing right?" I asked him, I didn't wanna be that girl that comes in like a met gala dress but I also didn't wanna be the girl that wore jeans and a t-shirt. "Yeah, it's like prom dress fancy but not like ball gown fancy" he told me. "Good, I've got a nice purple dress that I was going to use for a dressy work party with my mom but I didn't end up going" I said thinking about the dress. "That's good, we're gonna leave for it the day before since it's in Brooklyn" he said and I made sure to put the date in my calendar on my phone. "Alright y'all ready to go" my dad asked. We went out to the car and drove 30 minutes to the NYC international airport. We looked at the sign

Washington flight 436
Albuquerque flight 892
Chino hills flight 174

We were in terminal b and had to make it to e. The TSA line was fairly quick but we were still almost late, they called our row of seats a couple minutes after we got there. "Have a nice flight" the woman who took our tickets said, she looked so tired and I felt bad. We got onto the plane and Melo helped me with my bag in the overhead. "Dwarf ass" he joked. "Boy bffr your only like 5 inches taller than me" I rolled my eyes and he sat down "mmmm nah" we bickered back and forth, eventually falling asleep on each other for the 6 hour flight. I woke up to a tap on my shoulder, I rubbed my eyes and saw Nick who was sat infront of me looking at me. "Plane lands in a Minute" He said so i woke Melo up and made sure we were all ready to get off as quickly as possible so we didn't have to wait for a long time.

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